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COT5930-Homework 4 Solved

Problem 1. 

Write the solution in a file called p1.scala, in an object called p1. Use the functions from the RNG object.

Write a state action (called rollDice) for the Rand[Int] type that produces a pair (x, y) of random integers with 0 <= x, y < 7.
Write a state action called unitCirclePoint for the Rand[Int] that produces a (x, y) pair so that the 2D point (x, y) is on the unit circle, i.e. x2+ y2=1 .
Write a function called myPie that estimates (and returns) the value of π like this: first generate a large number n of 2D (x, y) points, with  x , y∈[0,1) and then measure the ratio of the number of points generated inside the unit disk vs. n. With a bit more math you get an approximation of π. Use function sequence.
Write a function main in object p1 that illustrates how the above functions can be used.
Problem 2. 

Write the solution in a file called p2.scala, in an object called p2. Use the State type and the functions from the RNG object. The Stack and Counter examples from the lecture notes could be useful. a)  Write a state action combinator inside class State called cond with the following signature:

 def cond[B](f: A = Boolean, btrue: =B, bfalse: = B): State[S, B]

If sa is of type State[S,A], expression sa.cond(f)(btrue)(bfalse) returns  a new state action that passes the value generated by sa to function f and if f(a) is true, returns expression btrue, else it returns bfalse.

Here is an example how to use cond:

  val intSa: State[RNG, Int] = State(RNG.nonNegativeInt)   // s.a. for int = 0

  // new s.a. generating string "even" if intSa returns even number, else "odd":   val evenOdd: State[RNG, String] = intSa.cond(_ % 2 == 0, "even", "odd")   val rng: RNG.Simple = RNG.Simple(2L)

  val rndEvenOddStr: (String, RNG) =      println(rndEvenOddStr)  // prints: (odd,Simple(50429807845))

Write a version of function cond that uses the map function and another version that does not use map.

b) Write a polymorphic (in type B) state action method called probCond that takes at least these parameters:
a State[RNG, Double] state action called ps that generates a random number in interval [0, 1). - a Double argument prob in interval [0, 1).
non-strict argument called btrue of type B
non-strict argument called bfalse of type B
The probCond method returns value btrue with probability prob and value bfalse with probability        1 - prob. Your implementation must use method cond from class State (from part a)) and must sample random Doubles using state action ps.

Hint: if a number r is randomly uniformly distributed in [0,1) and p is in [0,1] then Prob(r < p) = p. Use action state ps to obtain r.

Write a state action called unfairCoinTosses with arguments n and prob that produces a string of length n where each character in the string is ‘H’ with probability prob and ‘T’ with probability 1-prob. Use functions sequence and 
Consider this class definition for a university course:
   case class Course(name: String, roster: List[String])

name is the course name (e.g. “COT6789”) and roster is a list with the names of the students currently enrolled.

Treat Course as a state type and write in object p2 these state actions (methods returning State[Course, ...]) :


  def enroll(student: String): State[Course, Unit]   def enrolled(student: String): State[Course, Boolean]   def count: State[Course, Int]

enroll adds the student name give to the course roster if it was not already there.

enrolled returns true if the student name given is on the roster or false. count returns the number of students on the roster.

Your implementations must use these State methods: set, get, and modify.

Hint: take inspiration from the Counter and Stack examples from the Chapter 6 lecture notes.

e) Write a main method in object p2 that demonstrates how to use the functions written for parts a-c). Do not use the same code from the example given in part a).
Write code with for comprehension(s) demonstrating the use of the Course class and all its state actions from part d).


Problem 3. 

Write the solution in a file called p3.scala, in an object called p3. Use the Par type discussed in class and linked above.

In this problem we will write a parallel version of an algorithm and we will benchmark it using the timeIt function posted on the homework’s Canvas page.

Write a sequential tail recursive function with the following signature:
def partition[A](s: IndexedSeq[A], pivot: A)(less: (A, A) = Boolean) :           

(IndexedSeq[A], IndexedSeq[A], IndexedSeq[A])

that splits sequence s  (e.g. a Vector[Int]) in three sequences returned in a tuple: one with elements less than pivot, one with elements equal to pivot, and a third – with elements greater than pivot.

Your function should traverse the sequence only once, so using filter or foldLeft/Right is wrong.

Example:    partition(Vector(5, 0, 3, 4, 1, 5, 1, 3, 9, 2, 7, 4, 3, 6), 4)(_ < _) returns tuple  (Vector(0, 3, 1, 1, 3, 2, 3),Vector(4, 4),Vector(5, 5, 9, 7, 6))

Functions that parallelize algorithms that are too ‘fine grained’ can actually be slower than a sequential version due to the overhead of sequence manipulation and thread management. For instance, the parallel sum version from the book splits the sequence in two if its length is greater than 1. For simple tasks (e.g. summation, computing maximum) breaking down vectors of a small size (e.g. 2) and proceeding in parallel is more costly than doing the calculation sequentially, for instance using the sum and max methods from IndexSeq.
Write a parallel and pure version of partition called parPartition that:

returns type Par[(IndexedSeq[A], IndexedSeq[A], IndexedSeq[A])]
when executed with run it computes the same tuple as function partition
delegates the work to the sequential function partition if the size of the sequence is less than an Int parameter called threshold
Hint: follow the approach used for the parallel function sequenceBalanced from the textbook. Make sure to check your function returns the same correct values as partition.

c) Write a function called benchmark with arguments threshold and n that:
builds a random Vector[Int] called vec of size n using the Simple type from Chapter 6
uses function timeIt to compute the average execution time for the sequential partition function on vec, pivot being vec(0), and less being _ < _ , with 10 iterations
uses function timeIt to compute the average execution time for the parPartition function on the same Vector vec with the given threshold, pivot being vec(0), and less being _ < _ , with 10 iterations
returns the speedup, i.e. ratio of the sequential time vs. the parallel time on the same input vector. Use a thread pool with at least 1000 threads.
Write a function called mkChartData that runs function benchmark for a constant vector length of n=222 and varies the threshold parameter in this list: [1, n / 2, n / 4, n / 8, n / 16, n / 32, n / 64], and that returns a list with the speedup numbers obtained.

Create a line chart (e.g. in Excel) that shows on the horizontal axis the threshold value and the speedup on the vertical axis.

Include in the h4.pdf file the chart figure after the source code from p3.scala.

Then, do this:

             c1) Indicate how many cores are on your computer and how much RAM it has.             c2) Analyze the results from the charts             c3) Comment on the results.


Problem 4. 

Write the solution in a file called p4.scala, in an object called p4. Use the Par type discussed in class and linked above.

Write a function parZipWith with the signature below that returns a Par[C] that executes f(a, b), in a separate logical thread, on parameters a from lists sa and on parameters b from sb.
  def parZipWith[A,B,C](sa: List[A], sb: List[B])(f: (A, B) = C): Par[List[C]]

Try make the function tail recursive. Hint: use function Par.sequence.

Write function parOrElse with the signature below that computes thunks opt and alternative in parallel and returns the evaluated value of opt if not None or else it returns the evaluated value of alternative. The value returned must be the same as for expression orElse(alternative) the difference being that both opt and alternative are computed in parallel.
  def parOrElse[A, B : A](opt: =Option[A], alternative: = Option[B]):


Write a main method in class p3 that demonstrates how to use the functions from parts a) and b).
Prove the following law using the substitution principle:
           asyncF(f)(x) == unit(f(x))

Prove the following law using the substitution principle:
           map(map(y)(g))(f) == map(y)(f compose g)          

Problem 5
Write the solution in a file called p5.scala, in an object called p5. Use the Par type discussed in class and linked above.

Use the parPartition function from Problem 3 to implement a parallel (and pure) version of the Quicksort algorithm.
Benchmark it compared to the sequential version of the same algorithm using the timeIt 
Include a chart showing the dependence of the sorting time and parallel speedup on the random vector’s length, using threshold= Pick a range of vector sizes that reaches into d) Comment on the results.

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