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COT5930-Homework 3 Theory, Unit testing, Stream Practice and Infinite Streams and Corecursion Solved

Problem 1. Theory
a)  Explain how a lazy val can be used to memoize the value of an expression passed as by-name parameter.

b)  Extra credit 3 points * Extra credit 3 points * Extra credit: 3 points

Describe how the memoization and evaluation mechanism for a lazy val could be implemented by the Scala compiler.

c)   Consider method foldRight from the textbook Stream trait:

  def foldRight[B](z: = B)(f: (A, = B) = B): B = 

    this match {

      case Cons(h,t) = f(h(), t().foldRight(z)(f))

      case _ = z     }

Explain under what condition(s) will expressions (or functions) using foldRight stop traversing the stream before reaching its end in contrast to traversing the entire stream unconditionally. Give a code example NOT covered in class with a function or expression using foldRight with incremental computation that stops mid-stream and another example NOT covered in class where the entire stream is always evaluated.

d)  Trace the evaluation of expression Stream(1, 2, 3, 4).takeWhile(_ < 3).exists(_ == 3) in the same way it is done for a different expression in Listing 5.3 on page 72 (or shown here), from the textbook. Use the same level of detail.

Problem 2. Unit testing
Write the solution in a file called p2.scala, in an object called p2. a) Consider the function from Homework 2:   def testFunction2[A,B,C](testname: String, a: A, b: B, expected: C)(f: (A,B) = C)

      : Either[String, String] = {     val actual = f(a, b)

    if (actual == expected) Right(testname + " passed")      else Left(testname + " failed")


Write a similar function called testExpression that tests expressions passed by name against an expected value and that returns Right or Left in the same way as testFunction2. Here are some examples how to use it:

    def plus1(x: Int) = x + 1

    def plus1_buggy(x: Int) = x - 1    // buggy by design

     println(testExpression("divide", 24 / 2, 12))  // Right("divide OK passed")     println(testExpression("plus1", plus1(1), 2))  // Right("plus1 OK passed")


    println(testExpression("plus1_buggy", plus1_buggy(1), 2))      // Left("plus1_buggy failed")


b)  Write a polymorphic function called tryOrElse that has two non-strict parameters of type A, called expr and defval. Evaluating expression expr may throw an exception. If no exception is thrown, tryOrElse returns the result from evaluating expr. If expr throws an exception then tryOrElse returns the result from evaluating defval. Make sure expr is evaluated exactly once and defval is forced only in case expr fails with an exception.

Here are some examples:

        val grade = tryOrElse("100".toInt, 0)

    // grade == 100

    val gradeBadFormat = tryOrElse("1X00".toInt, 0)     // gradeBadFormat == 0

    val grades = List[Int]()

    val gpa = tryOrElse(grades.sum / grades.length, -1.0)     // gpa == -1

Write in p2’s main() function 3 test cases for tryOrElse using the testExpression unit test function from part a) that are different from the examples above.

c)  Use the formal definition to prove that tryOrElse is a non-strict function.

Problem 3. Stream practice
Write the solution in a file called p3.scala, in an object called p3. Use (import) the version of the Stream types given in the textbook and discussed in class.

a)  Write an expression using the from and find functions to find the first number that divides both 6 and 8.

b)  Write an expression using the from, filter, take, and map functions that returns a stream with the first 10 square integers greater than a variable n initialized to 1000.

c)   Use functions from, foldRight, map, and take to write an expression that returns a comma-separated string with the first 10 square numbers: “1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100,” .

d)  Consider this stream declaration:

    val st2 = Stream(1.1, 1, 1.15, 1.11, 0.85, 1.15, 1.23)

Write an expression using Stream’s methods and st2 that computes the absolute value of the difference between successive elements of st2 and returns Some(d) where d is the first such difference that exceeds 0.2 or returns None if no such difference exceeds that threshold. Do not write a custom recursive function. In our case with st2, the expression should return Some(0.26). Hint: drop and zipWith.

e)  Write a method in object p3 called findIndex that takes as arguments a Stream[A] and, in a separate argument list, a predicate p: A = Boolean, and that returns the index (starting from 0) in the stream s of the first element a for which p(a) is true. findIndex must use the methods of the Stream trait and should not be a custom recursive function. Example usage:

    println(findIndex(from(0) take 10)(_ == 30))  // None     println(findIndex(from(0) take 10)(_ = 5))   // Some(5)

Write 3 tests using testExpression for testing this function. One should be for the boundary case, when the predicate fails to find any element.

f)    Write a method in object p3 called findPositions that takes as arguments a Stream[A] and, in a separate argument list, a predicate p: A = Boolean, and that returns a Stream[Int] with the indices (starting from 0) in the stream s for all elements a for which p(a) is true. If none such values exist, the returned stream must be empty. findPositions must use the methods of the Stream trait and should not be a custom recursive function. Example usage:

println(findPositions(Stream(1, 2, 1, 4, 0, 1, 3) take 20)(_ == 1) toList)        // List(0, 2, 5) println(findPositions(Stream(1, 2, 1, 4, 0, 1, 3) take 20)(_ 10) toList) //List()

Write 3 tests using testExpression for testing findPositions. One should be for the boundary case, when the predicate fails to find any element.

Write a method in object p3 called splitWith that takes as arguments a Stream[A] and, in a separate argument list, a predicate p: A = Boolean, and that returns a tuple  of Stream[A] objects, (sTrue, sFalse) so that stream sTrue gets the elements a for which p(a) is true and stream sFalse gets the elements a for which p(a) is false. splitWith must use the methods of the Stream trait and should not be a custom recursive function. Example usage:

    val streams = splitWith(Stream(5, -3, 2, -1, 6, 0, 3, 2))(_ < 0)

    println(streams._1.toList) // List(-3, -1)

    println(streams._2.toList) // List(5, 2, 6, 0, 3, 2)

Problem 4. Infinite streams and corecursion
Write the solution in a file called p4.scala, in an object called p4. Use (import) the version of the Stream types given in the textbook and discussed in class.

a)  Write a function called list2stream that takes as parameter a List[A] object reference and returns a Stream[A] with the objects from the list in the given order. Your function must be corecursive. Example usage:

    // converts the list to stream and back to a list:     println(list2stream(List(1,2,3,4)) toList) // List(1,2,3,4)     println(list2stream(List()) toList)        // List()

Write two unit tests in main() with testExpression for this function.

b)  Write a function called list2streamViaUnfold that takes as parameter a List[A] object reference and returns a Stream[A] with the objects from the list in the given order. Your function must use the unfold function. (this function does the same thing as list2stream from part a)). Example usage:

    println(list2streamViaUnfold(List(1,2,3,4)) toList)  // List(1,2,3,4)     println(list2streamViaUnfold(List()) toList)         // List()

Write two unit tests in main() with testExpression for this function.

c)  A  linear congruential generator is an algorithm that creates a stream of pseudo-random numbers using the recursive formula:     Xn+1=(a Xn+c)%m .

Write a corecursive function called rndStream that takes as parameter the initial seed (X0) and produces an infinite stream of pseudo-random numbers using this series with values a = 1103515245, m = 2³¹, c = 12345, and keeping only the 30 least significant bits for the values being returned. Use the Long data type instead of Int where it is necessary to avoid overflow. Example usage starting with seed = 0:

// List(0, 12345, 1406932606, 654583775, 1449466924, 

// 229283573, 1109335178, 1051550459, 1293799192, 794471793) println(rndStream(0) take 10 toList)

Check your random numbers against this list. Write a unit test in main() with testExpression for this function.

d)        Write a corecursive function called signs that takes as parameter n: Int that and that returns an infinite stream +n, -n, +n, -n, …. Example:     println(signs(1) take 5 toList)  // List(1, -1, 1, -1Write an expression using functions foldRight, signs, take, from, and zipWith that computes the sum


∑i=1 ( −1i) for the first 500 terms. What does the sum of this series represent ?

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