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COT5930-Homework 2 List with Cons, Standard Library List and Tree Solved

Where required use the List,Tree, Option, and Either source code from the textbook Scala source project linked from the Lecture Notes or from the source zip file.

Problem 1. List with Cons
Put the required functions in an object called List in file p1.scala, in a package called h2.p1. Start with the List code given in class, i.e. the List ADT using the Cons constructor. In the same file add a module called p1 with a main method where you will write part of the solutions.

a)               Write in module p1 a polymorphic method called switchHead that takes as argument a list lst and switches the 1st and 2nd elements from lst. If the list has fewer than two elements throw an exception using function call sys.error(“too short”). Use pattern matching.

Example usage:

    val lst = List(0, 1, 2, 3)

  println(List.switchHead(lst))    // prints Cons(1,Cons(0,Cons(2,Cons(3,Nil))))   println(List.switchHead(List(0))) // raises java.lang.RuntimeException: too short Write in method p1.main two examples of using this method.

b)               Write in module p1 a polymorphic method (with type parameter A) called get that takes as argument a list lst and an integer n. The function returns the element from lst with index n, considering the first element is at index 0. If the index is invalid (<0 or = size of lst) then get throws an exception using function call sys.error(“wrong  index”). Use pattern matching.

Example usage:

    val lst = List(0, 1, 2, 3)

  println(List.get(lst, 3))    // prints 3   println(List.get(5))         // raises java.lang.RuntimeException: wrong index Write in method p1.main two examples of using this method.

c)               Write in module p1 a polymorphic method (with type parameter A) called set that takes as argument a list lst, an integer n, and x of type A. The function returns a new list identical to lst except for the element from lst with index n that is replaced by x. The first list element has index 0. If the given index is invalid (n<0 or = size of lst) then set throws an exception using function call sys.error(“wrong  index”). Use pattern matching.

Example usage:

  val lst = List(0, 1, 2, 3)   

 println(List.set(lst, 2, 100))  // prints Cons(0, Cons(1, Cons(100, Cons(3, Nil)))

Write in method p1.main two examples of using this method.

d)               Write in module p1 a polymorphic method (with type parameter A) called take that takes as argument a list lst: List[A] and an integer n. The function returns a new list with the first n elements from lst. If n is invalid (<0 or = size of lst) then takeN throws an exception using function call sys.error(“wrong  index”). Use pattern matching. This function is quite similar to drop.

Example usage:

  val lst = List(0, 1, 2, 3)   

 println(List.takeN(lst, 2))   // prints Cons(0,Cons(1,Nil)) Write in method p1.main an example of using this method.

e)               Write in module p1 a polymorphic method with this signature:    def mapsq[A](lst: List[A])(f: A = A) : List[A]

mapsq returns a new list where each element x from the original list lst is replaced by expression f(f(x)). Use the map function.

Write in main an expression with mapsq that obtains a list of elements x * 4 for each element x of List(1,2,3,4), i.e. the same list as List(4,8,12,16). Use the _ notation for the  lambda expression.

Write in main an expression with mapsq that obtains a list of elements x + 6 for each element x of List(1,2,3,4), i.e. the same list as List(7,8,9,10). Use the _ notation for the lambda expression.

Problem 2. Using the standard library List (::)
Put the required functions in an object called List in file p2.scala, in a package called h2.p2. Use the scala.collection.immutable.List class and not the List class detailed in the course. Hence, your solutions must rely on the :: constructor to stand for Cons, if necessary. In the same file add a module called p2 with a main method where you will write part of the solutions.

a)    Write in method p2.main a statement that uses List.foldRight to print the sum of all odd numbers from List(13, -1, 0, 2).

b)   Write in module p2 a polymorphic method function called toStrings that takes a parameter lst of type List[A] and returns a List[String] where each element x of lst is replaced by x.toString. Use the map method. Example usage:

    val numbers = List(13, -1, 0, 2)

  println(toStrings(numbers))   // prints List(13, -1, 0, 2), a list of String

Write in method p2.main an example of using this method with Double, different from the previous one.

c)    Write in module p2 a polymorphic method function called compute using foldLeft, that takes in the first parameter list a List[A], in the second parameter list a binary operator f of type (A, A) = A, and that applies f to all elements of this sequence, going left to right.

So, compute(List(a, b, c, d))(f) == f( f( f( a, b), c) , d)

Example usage:

     val numbers = List(13, -1, 0, 2)

  println(compute(numbers)(_ + _))   // prints 14

Hint: The standard List trait has methods head and tail that work as expected.

Write in method p2.main an example of using this method different from the previous one.

d)   Write in module p2 a monomorphic method with this signature:   def splitSum(lst: List[Int])(p: Int = Boolean) : (Int, Int)

splitSum has two parameter lists to assist with type inference. It returns a tuple where the first element is the sum of all elements x from lst for which p(x) is true and the second element is the sum of all elements x from lst where for which p(x) is not true, i.e. expression (∑x∈lst∧p(x) x ,∑x∈lst∧!p(x) x) Write in method p2.main an example on a List[Int] that prints the tuple with the sum of even numbers and the sum of odd numbers from that list.

e)   Extra credit: 

Write in module p2 a polymorphic method with this signature:     def split[A](xs: List[A])(p: A = Boolean) : (List[A], List[A])

that returns a partition of list xs based on predicate p: the first element of the returned tuple is a list with elements x from xs where p(x) is true and the second element of the returned tuple is a list with elements x from xs where p(x) is false. The order of elements in these lists must be preserved. Use one of the fold methods.

Example usage:

    val lst = List(0, 1, 2, 3)

  println(split(lst)(_ < 2))     // prints (List(0, 1), List(2, 3))

Write in method p2.main an example of using this method different from the previous one.


f)     Extra credit: 

Write in module p2 a polymorphic method with this signature:   def filterFoldRight[A, B](xs: List[A], z: B)(p: A = Boolean)(f: (A, B) = B) : B

using pattern matching that applies the binary operator f in a right-to-left order only to elements x of list xs for which p(x) is true.

Write a second version called filterFoldRight_1 that does the same thing using the foldRight function.

Write in method p2.main an example of using each of this function.

Problem 3. Tree
Put the required functions in an object called List in file p3.scala, in a package called h2.p3. Start with the Tree ADT code from the textbook. In the same file add a module called p3 with a main method where you will write part of the solutions.

a)               Write an expression in method p3.main that computes the product of all leaves in a tree of Ints using the Tree.fold method. If Scala type inference produces unreasonable compilation errors just don’t use _ (underscore) for your lambda expressions.

b)               Consider this tree variable:   val tree: Tree[Int] = Branch(Branch(Leaf(2), Leaf(3)), Branch(Leaf(4), Leaf(5)))

Write an expression in method p3.main with the function that computes the tree with the same structure of variable tree but with each leaf value being formatted to a string. The result must be the same as the following Tree[String] :

Branch(Branch(Leaf("leaf 2"),Leaf("leaf 3")),Branch(Leaf("leaf 4"),Leaf("leaf 5")))

c)               Write in module Tree (file p3.scala) a polymorphic method with this signature:     def toList[A](t: Tree[A]) : List[A]

that returns a list (i.e. standard library List) with all elements from the leaves in tree t. Use the Tree.fold method given from the textbook.

Hint: the List.++ method appends two lists.

Example usage:

   val tree: Tree[Int] = Branch(Branch(Leaf(2), Leaf(3)), Branch(Leaf(4), Leaf(5)))    println(Tree.toList(tree))   // prints List(2, 3, 4, 5)

Write in method p3.main an example of using this method different from the previous one.

Problem 4. Option/Either
Write the solution in a file p4.scala, in a package called h2.p4. Use (or import) the Option and Either code given in the course. In the same file add a module called p4 with a main method where you will write part of the solutions.

a) Unit testing is vital for building robust code. Write in module p4 a simple unit test function that has this signature:

   def testFunction2[A,B,C](testname: String, a: A, b: B, expected: C)(f: (A,B) = C)         : Either[String, String]

This function returns Right(testname + " passed") if f(a,b) == expected and Left(testname + " failed") otherwise. Using the Either ADT allows the programmer to quickly separate failed vs. passed tests, e.g. using pattern matching.

The purpose of this function is to automate testing for functions with two arguments, as in the next example:

  def sample_add(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y    // function we want to test

  // we set up a “test vector” with values 10, 20, 30, where 30 is the expected return value:

 val add_test_result = testFunction2("sample_add", 10, 20, 10 + 20)(sample_add)  println(add_test_result)     // a Right value means the test passed: prints Right(sample_add passed)

b)               Write in module p4 a function sumO that takes as arguments x and y (two Option[Int] objects) and returns the sum of the values in x and y in a Some constructor or None, if at least one of x and y is None. Use the map2 function to get credit.

Write a new version of this function called sumO_1 using flatMap and map, to get credit.

Write a new version of this function called sumO_2 using a for comprehension, to get credit.

Write code in p4.main that uses the testFunction2 function to test sumO,  sumO_1,  and sumO_2. At least one of the tests must use a None value for parameter a or parameter b.

c)               Consider the lift function given in the textbook that converts an A = B function into an       Option[A] = Option[B] function. Write in module p4 a function called lift2 that converts an (A,B)=C function into an (Option[A], Option[B]) = Option[C] function. Don’t do pattern matching in this function. Instead, use the utility functions from the Option object or a for comprehension.

Example usage:

    def sample_add(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y    // function we want to test

  val add_lifted = lift2(sample_add)   println(add_lifted(Some(10), Some(20)))  // prints Some(30)

Problem 5. Validation with Option/Either
Write the solution in a file p5.scala, in a package called h2.p5. Use (or import) the Option and Either code given in the course. In the same file add a module called p5 with a main method where you will write part of the solutions.

Consider the following Student class:   sealed case class Student(name: String, id: Int, grades: List[Double])

Write a function called mkStudent that parses those Strings parameters and produces a new Student class as a Right value if input parsing is successful or a Left(exception) if name is an empty or string parsing failed for id or any of the strings in the grades list. Use a for comprehension. The function’s signature is:

  def mkStudent(name: String, idstr: String, gradesstr: List[String]): Either[Exception, Student]

Example usage with a Right value:

  val studentE = mkStudent("Jane", "1234", List("90.0", "95", "73", "78"))  println(studentE)

 // prints Right(Student(Jane,1234,List(90.0, 95.0, 73.0, 78.0)))

Example usage with a Left value, when parsing failed:

    val studentF = mkStudent("Jose", "5678", List("90.0", "X95", "73", "78"))

  // prints Left(java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "X95")      println(studentF)  

Write in p5.main different 2 examples with mkStudent that produce (and print) a Right value and a Left value.

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