Develop a class called Weight that is an abstract data type (ADT) for an weight.
The complete class will include all the following member functions:
A constructor to set pound and ounce; ex. 2lb 12oz can be set as Weight item1(2,12);
If users set the ounce part grater than 15, like Weight item1(2,20), it should be converted to 3lb 4oz.
A constructor to set ounce; ex. 36oz can be set as Weight item2(36); It should be converted to 2lb 4oz.
A default constructor (takes no input) that sets 0lb 0oz.
Public member function, “get_Pounds()” that returns the pound part of weight.
Public member function, “get_Ounces()” that returns the ounce part of weight.
The return value must be between 0 to 15. Note 16oz=1lb.
Public member function, “get_Grams()” that returns the weight in grams.
use 1oz=28.35g
A friend function, “Weight add(const Weight& w1, const Weight& w1)”, which adds two Weight objects and returns a new object of Weight that stores the result.
A friend function, “comp compare(const Weight& w1, const Weight& w1)”, which compares two Weight objects and returns comp type (enum type) variable of:
GREATER if w1w2, LESS if w1<w2, or EQUAL if w1=w2.
comp type is enum type defined by
“enum comp{GREATER=1, LESS=1,EQAUL=0};” see Link (http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/enum)
you may define private member functions. (helper functions)
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