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COSC2135-Assignment 1 Prototype Booking Management System using Java Solved

Your task is to produce, using standard Java, a prototype booking management system for ‘Direct Coaches Australia (DCA)’, a (fictitious) regional coach service.

 Edited interviews with Lauren, the manager of DCA and Abhijeet, the booking clerk have been provided. You should analyse the interviews to determine the functional requirements for your program. Your development-team supervisor has provided further requirements. These requirements are set out in the three stages (A, B and C) below. Since each stage elaborates on the previous one, you only need to submit one program – the one implementing the highest stage you were able to complete.

The functionality of each stage will be tested on test-case described in TestCases.pdf, which can be found on the course Canvas under the Assignment 1 link.

For each of the stages A, B and C, complete the steps below based on the Double Diamond process:  

‘Go wide’ in the form of reading and thinking about the supplied stakeholder requirements. Find out what the current situation is and understand user behaviours and business drivers.  

Fill in the supplied ‘Discover and Define’ Word template with a list of different problems that could be solved.  

From your understanding of the overall issues/requirements, narrow down to a single problem and turn that into a problem statement. The problem statement defines what you will develop, and you may start some initial coding to start working out if you can create a solution to the problem you defined.  

Fill in the supplied ‘Discover and Define’ Word template with a statement of the single problem you will solve.

Start coding to create an initial prototype and program logic to address the problem.  You may create a few different iterations to get to the best prototype. This is a phase for trying ideas out to see if they work.  

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