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COSC122-Assignment 1 Spotting Stolen Cars Solved

Modern camera and computer vision technologies make it possible to use roadside cameras to collect the number plates of all the vehicles that pass the camera (other information such as speed and direction can also be paired with the plate numbers). This has many applications such as:

monitoring entry and exit from toll road systems (to allow for automatic charging of tolls)
simple vehicle counting, to help with traffic flow models
spotting the cars of wanted criminals, etc. Check out this image from Parking Today.
automatic sending of speeding tickets
providing messages on motorway signs asking particular cars to slow down. See See section 4.2 in this document[1]
and finally, spotting stolen cars, which is the focus of this assignment.
In this assignment you will be working with the data from a roadside camera based Automatic Number Plate Recogniser (ANPR). You will be carrying out a simplified version of what might be done in reality—so you can focus on the fun stuff. Basically you will be processing a stream of number plates from a single ANPR and making a list of the seen number plates that appear in a list of stolen car plates. In a more realistic scenario you would make a list of stolen cars that had been spotted, including the time and location so that the whereabouts of stolen cars could be narrowed down—or in a real-time system, police patrol cars could be sent out to intercept stolen cars when they exited a motorway (at a Paége/toll-both for example).

For each task of the assignment the functions you write will need to take two lists containing sequences of NumberPlate objects. The first list contains number plates of stolen vehicles and the second contains number plates of vehicles that have been sighted by a number plate camera. You may assume that there are no duplicate number plates in a single list (ie, each number plate occurs at most once in each list).

In each task you will need to use specific data structures (e.g. NumberPlates), which you will import into your program. You do not have to implement these data structures, you will just have to interact with them. They are in the file Details of these data structures are in the relevant section below.

For each task you must return a list containing the the stolen number plates that were sighted by the camera and the number of NumberPlate comparisons that were made in producing the list with the specified method. Note, that you should only count NumberPlate comparisons. That is, you should only count comparisons between NumberPlate objects (because this can be an expensive operation if the plates are large) — you shouldn’t count comparisons of indexes, counters, and so on. The provided NumberPlate class will also automatically count comparisons as they are made. This will allow you to check how many comparisons have actually occurred, but this is intended for debugging only. If you use this comparison checking in any code you submit (rather than doing the comparison counting yourself) then your code will fail the Quiz Server (Code Runner) tests used for submitted assignments.

2.1       Testing your code
Off-line tests are available in the module and you should use them to check your implemented code before submission (the submission quiz won’t fully mark your code until submissions close). The provided tests use the Python unittest framework. You are not expected to know how these tests work; you just need to know that the tests will check that your code finds the list of stolen number plates that were sighted, and that the number of comparisons that your code makes is appropriate.

For the first algorithm you should be able to match the exact number of comparisons, but for binary search the comparisons made are checked to be in the right ballpark for the expected number of comparisons. If you think that you have an implementation that is very close to the test range, and works reliably, you can ask to have the expected number of comparisons range reconsidered. The tests used on the quiz server will be mainly based on the tests in, but a small number secret test cases will be added, so passing the unit tests is not a guarantee that full marks will be given for that question (it is however a strong indication your code is correct).

For example you should be testing various edge cases such as when an input list is empty or when no number plates are sighted etc...

2.2       Provided classes
The module contains the definition for the NumberPlate class. The NumberPlate class is basically a wrapper around the existing Python str class, but with the added benefit of being able to keep track of every NumberPlate comparison that is made.

NumberPlate : The most fundamental class is the NumberPlate. For now, you may consider a NumberPlate to be a str, in that all the common comparisons (==, <, , <=, =, !=) are available (eg, if a and b are NumberPlates then expressions like a < b and a == b, etc, will work as expected). The difference is that we keep track of these comparisons in the background, via the StatCounter class. You should be counting how many NumberPlate comparisons your functions do—in a similar fashion to what you did in Lab 1.

The module contains another class that you may find useful: StatCounter. This class holds all the comparison information that you might need to check your code against. We also use it to verify that you do perform the correct number of comparisons.

StatCounter : In order to count how many comparisons your code makes, we provide a StatCounter class. Note that because of the way it is implemented, it will not behave like a regular class. This class is only for testing purposes, and not in your final code. You should only use the StatCounter.get_comparisons() method for testing and should remove all calls to it from the code you submit to the Quiz Server. You will, of course, need to remove any imports related to stats from your code—otherwise pylint might get angry with an unused import.

Important: You cannot rely on StatCounter (or more specifically, the methods and instance variables in StatCounter) being available to you on the quiz server at the time of submission, so do not use it in your final code.
2.3        Provided tools and test data
The module contains functions for reading test data from test files. Test files are in the folder test_data to make it easier to test your own code. The test data files are named stolen[s]-sighted-matches-seed.txt, where stolen is the number of stolen plates in the file [followed by an s to indicate that they are in sorted order]; sighted is the number of plates in the list that were sighted by the camera; matches is the list of expected plates (in the order your functions should return them) which is used for testing; and finally the seed is the seed value that was used when generating the test file.

For example 10-20-5-a.txt was generated with a as the random key and contains 10 stolen plates and 20 sighted plates, where 5 of the sighted plates were in the stolen list. If the file name was 10s-20-5-a.txt then the stolen plates would be provided in sorted order—obviously useful for testing your binary search function. You should open some of the test data files and make sure you understand the format—remember to open them in Wing or a suitably smart text editor. If you are using windows then try Notepad++ because the normal Notepad is pretty horrible. If you are using Linux (or a Mac) then almost any text editor will do.

The test files are generated in a quasi-random fashion and the seed suffix indicates the random seed that was used when generating the data—you don’t need to worry about this. But, you do need to worry about the fact that we can easily generate different random files to test with.

The most useful function in is obviously read_dataset, it reads the contents of a test file and returns three lists. The lists all contain NumberPlate objects. The first list contains the number plates of stolen vehicles, the second contains all the number plates that were seen by the camera and the third contains the stolen number plates that were seen by the camera (this third list is basically the plates that your functions should return).

The following example shows how to use the utilities module:

from utilities import read_dataset

filename = './test_data/5-5-2-a.txt'

stolen, sighted, matches = read_dataset(filename)


['IQ1998', 'FS1860', 'JI9400', 'NN3705', 'AS0734']


['AR3546', 'QT0780', 'NN3705', 'PB2873', 'AS0734']


['NN3705', 'AS0734']


<class 'classes.NumberPlate'

filename = './test_data/5s-5-2-a.txt'

stolen, sighted, matches = read_dataset(filename)


['AS0734', 'FS1860', 'IQ1998', 'JI9400', 'NN3705']

2.4       Provided tests
The provides a number of tests to perform on your code. Running the file will cause all tests to be carried out. Each test has a name indicating what test data it is using, what it is testing for, and a contained class indicating which algorithm is being tested. In the case of a test case failing, the test case will print which assertion failed or what exception was thrown. The all_tests_suite() function has a number of lines commented out indicating that the commented out tests will be skipped; uncomment these lines out as you progress through the assignment tasks to run subsequent tests.

Important: In addition to the provided tests you are expected to do your own testing of your code. This should include testing the trivial cases such as empty lists and lists of differing sizes.
3.1         Sequential/Linear search 
This task requires you to complete the simple_linear_plate_finder function in the module. This first method isn’t going to be very efficient, but it’s a starting point! You should start with an empty list representing the stolen number plates that have been sighted by the camera. Go through each NumberPlate in the sighted_list and sequentially search the stolen_list to try find the NumberPlate. If a match is found add that number plate to the stolen plates sighted so far and stop searching the rest of the stolen_list for that NumberPLate (as it can be assumed that no number plate occurs twice in the stolen list). You cannot assume that either the stolen_list or the sighted_list will be in any particular order.

Your function should return a tuple containing the populated list containing the stolen number plates that were sighted NumberPlates and the number of NumberPlate comparisons that the function made (see the example return line in the supplied code). The returned list of NumberPlates should be in the same order that the plates appear in sighted_list.

You can assume that both lists provided to your function will only contain unique elements. That is, no number plate will appear in the stolen list more than once and no number plate will appear in the sighted list more than once. You can use this knowledge to finish scanning the sighted list earlier in some cases. Think about when it’s Ok for your function to stop scanning through the sighted list before reaching the end of that list.

3.2            Finding sighted plates using binary search
This task requires you to complete the simple_binary_plate_finder function in the module.

In the first task, we made no guarantees about the order of the number plates. Can we make a more efficient algorithm for finding common number plates if we know one of the provided lists (in particular, the stolen list) is given in lexicographic order? Hopefully you answered, "Yes, of course! We can use a binary search!"

For this task you are required to design and implement a function that generates the list of stolen number plates that were sighted by the camera, using binary search to find each NumberPlate from the sighted_list in the stolen_list. You can assume the stolen list will be sorted.

Your function should return a tuple containing the populated list containing the stolen number plates that were sighted NumberPlates and the number of NumberPlate comparisons that the function made (see the example return line in the supplied code). The returned list of NumberPlates should be in the same order that the plates appear in sighted_list.

NOTE: Your binary search must only do one comparison per loop when it is searching the stolen list and should only compare number plates for equality once. This approach will basically narrow the search down to one number plate and then check if that is the one being searched for.

Again you can also use the fact that both lists will contain only unique number plates to allow your function to sometimes stop checking sighted number plates before the end of the sighted plates list is reached.

Important: Binary search can be difficult to implement correctly. Be sure to leave sufficient time to solve this task.
[1] The plate shown on the sign is an example (ie, ABC-123) and trop vite translates to too quick!)C

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