Assignment 5 - Converting ER/UML Diagrams into the Relational Model
Build a pet daycare database that tracks information on owners and their pets when they stay at a pet daycare. There are three components:
On Canvas submit a single document that contains a screenshot of the UML design (part 1), the subclass info (part 2), and the conversion to the relational model (part 3). If you used PrairieLearn, make sure the screenshot shows the user name of one student in your group and the mark received.
Question Description
The project will build an online store like Amazon.com selling whatever products you want. The first step is to develop a database design and convert that design into SQL DDL. Description:
A Customer is identified by an auto-increment id. Other attributes include first name, last name, email, phone number, street address, city, province/state, postal code, and country. A Customer also has a user id (unique) and password.
The store sells products. A Product has an auto-increment id, name, price, image URL (string), image (BLOB), and description.
A product has a category. A category has one or more Products. A Category has an auto-increment id and name.