Lab 6: Using Java/JDBC with MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server
This assignment practices developing Java code that uses JDBC to connect to a MySQL database.
Customer (CustomerId, CustomerName)
Employee (EmployeeId, EmployeeName, Salary, SupervisorId)
Product(ProductId, ProductName, ListPrice)
Orders (OrderId, OrderDate, CustomerId, EmployeeId, Total)
OrderedProduct (OrderId, ProductId, Quantity, Price)
Initial Steps
Download the starter code and unzip. The starter code has a SQL DDL script to create the database, a JUnit test program called TestOrderJDBC.java, and the code file to edit called OrderJDBC.java. It also contains the MySQL JDBC JAR file.
Use VSCode to edit the code files. You will need to install the Java extension to compile and run.
Write the code to complete the methods in OrderJDBC.java (look for TODO items).