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COSC304 Lab 6- Using Python with MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server Solution

Lab 6: Using Python with MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server
This assignment practices developing Java code that uses JDBC to connect to a MySQL database.
Customer (CustomerId, CustomerName)
Employee (EmployeeId, EmployeeName, Salary, SupervisorId)
Product(ProductId, ProductName, ListPrice)
Orders (OrderId, OrderDate, CustomerId, EmployeeId, Total)
OrderedProduct (OrderId, ProductId, Quantity, Price) Initial Steps
Download the starter code Python file and the test file Python file. There is also a DDL script to create the database.
Use VSCode to edit the code files. You will need to install the Python extension to execute.
Write the code to complete the methods in (look for TODO items).
The Python test library is called unittest. To add it to your project in VSCode, click on the test (beaker) icon, then click on the Configure Tests blue button. VSCode will ask for the test library. Respond with unittest and indicate the test files will have the format Test*.py.

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