Modify your existing project web site with new features including a product detail page, a login feature, an administrator page, and support for transactions.
1. Sample web site
2. Start with the setup for lab 7 for either Java, PHP, or Node.js. If you have an existing Docker container for lab 7, you do not need to download and setup lab 7 again.
3. Download starter code for Java, PHP, or Node.js. These code files should be ADDED to your existing lab 7 project. There is a new main page (index.jsp/php), an administrator page (admin.jsp/php), and images in the img folder. The four new code files to change: validateLogin.jsp/php, product.jsp/php, admin.jsp/php, and ship.jsp/php.
4. Your output does not have to look exactly like the sample (feel free to make it look better!).
The product page will show details on the product including images. An image can be retrieved from a local folder using a URL or stored as a binary object in the database.
+1 mark - for modifying product listing page to go to product detail page when click on product name
+1 mark - for adding link to "add to cart" and to "continue shopping"
+1 mark - for checking user is logged in before accessing page
+1 mark - for displaying error message if attempt to access page and not logged in
+3 mark -for using transactions to either process the shipment and ship all items (up to 3) or generate an error
Test by entering URL like: http://localhost/shop/ship.jsp?orderId=1
Screenshot - Successful Shipment with orderId=1
Screenshot - Unsuccessful Shipment with orderId=3