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COP3223 Homework 4 Solution

You and your roommates go through a lot of orange juice.
You've noticed that your roommate goes through more orange juice than you do.
And when they run out, they will take some of yours.

You have been charging your roommate every time they take some of your orange juice.
But it feels a bit silly collecting 50 or 75 cents at a time from them.
You've come up with a brilliant plan!
Instead of charging them every time they take your orange juice, you'll collect money from them after they h

Program Setup:
Write a program to mimic this process.
Ask the user to enter the size (in ounces) of the juice containers you buy, as well as the price of those cont
Then prompt the user to enter how many times the roommate took juice. Finally, read the amount the room
Every time the total value of the juice equals or exceeds $10, print out "Your roommate owes you $10.00." After all the numbers are entered, if the roommate owes any money, print out the value owed.

Sample Run:
What is the weight (in oz.) of the original container of OJ?
What is the cost of the original container of OJ in dollars?
How many times did your roommate take your juice?
How much juice did your roommate take this time (in oz.)?
How much juice did your roommate take this time (in oz.)?
How much juice did your roommate take this time (in oz.)?
How much juice did your roommate take this time (in oz.)?
How much juice did your roommate take this time (in oz.)?
Your roommate owes you $10.00.
How much juice did your roommate take this time (in oz.)?
How much juice did your roommate take this time (in oz.)?
How much juice did your roommate take this time (in oz.)?
Your roommate owes you $10.00.
How much juice did your roommate take this time (in oz.)?
How much juice did your roommate take this time (in oz.)?
Your roommate owes you $2.38.

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