1. Basic Arithmetic
Please calculate the following equation and store to variable z1
I : identity matrix.
2. Matrix/Vector We know that
12 34 −4
A = [34 7 87]
3 65 7
1 4 7
B = [2 5 8] 3 6 9
(a) z2 = A*B,
(b) z3 = A.*B
(c) z4 = A^3,
(d) z5 = A.^3
(e) z6 = [A([1,3],:);B^2]
(f) z7 = a vector contains eigenvalues of B
(g) z8 = determinant of A
3. Equation Solving
Solve x1, x2, x3. Then change 0.52 to 0.53 and solve again.
4. Loop statement
Please create a 9*9 Hilbert matrix
Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilbert_matrix
5. Plot
Please plot the following equation in one figure, with eq1 on the left and eq2 on the right. Eq1: