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Concurrent Homework1 Solution

Write a program that measure the time to transfer various amount of data (500MB, 1GB (1.5 milion of WhatsApp messages, 4000 photos, 10.000 emails or reuse a large buffer)) under various conditions (Make sure you are sending bytes. Do not use higher-level functions that assume you are writing strings.)
Requirements for implementation:
A) Supported protocols as parameters (for both client/server): UDP, TCP
B) Message size: 1 to 65535 bytes
C) Two mechanisms should be implemented: streaming and stop-and-wait (acknowledge is performed before the sending of the next message)

Requirements for output:
A) After each server session, the server will print: used protocol, number of messages read, number of bytes reads
B) At the end of execution, the client will print: transmission time, number of sent messages, number of bytes sent.
Language: you can use any language for implementation. The program must run on a Linux system.
• Client/Server Code
• A pdf/word/plain text document with details regarding options for client/server and with statistics regarding performed tests.
Hint: Your system architecture can have a two-tier architecture or a multi-tier one. (e.g. a middle tier can perform queuing/scheduling of clients request, connection management, traffic monitoring, connection to a back-end database

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