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Concurrent Homework 2 Solution

A) Create a distributed application that uses a cloud ecosystem (e.g. Google, Amazon,
Requirements - the application has at least three components:
- one is using at least three native cloud services (one is Statefull)
- the other can be an on-premise application but is required to use at least one service from
Google Cloud (or similar services for other Clouds Providers): Cloud BigTable, BigQuery,
Cloud DataProc, or services such as Cloud Endpoints, Prediction API
- the other is a FaaS (AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, IBM OpenWhisk or Microsoft Azure Functions)
At least one Real-Time Web Technology (e.g. WebSocket) must be used in a proper manner in your system. (Don't forget about performance metrics that fit to your distributed application). More details are offered during the laboratory.
B) Create a scientific report based on the services chosen in point A, which are used in various distributed architectures of real systems (e.g. Twitter). Analyze the characteristics of your system: performance, latency, reliability, transparency dimensions (see C1-2, C6)

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