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COMSCI31 Project 5-Solved

Part 1
 Go through the following sections of the class zyBook, doing the Participation Activities and Challenge Activities. We will be looking at whether you have ever successfully completed them; it does not matter how many attempts you make before a successful completion (or how many attempts you make after a successful completion if you want to experiment).

 6.6 through 6.9 7.2 and 7.3 (Part 2 does not depend on these) 8.1 and 8.2 (Part 2 does not depend on these)

 In the course of their investigation into a series of bank robberies, the FBI discovered encrypted messages sent between some of the suspected perpetrators. While experts are working on decrypting most of the messages, some of the messages appear to have been sent between people who know almost nothing about cryptography, so the Bureau has decided to save money by hiring a student intern to work with those messages. That intern is you.

 The encrypted message you have been given have been encrypted using one of the oldest known encryption schemes: a simple substitution cipher. In this scheme, each letter in an original plaintext message is consistently replaced by a letter to produce a ciphertext message (e.g., every A is replaced by N). To be reversible, different plaintext letters are not replaced by the same ciphertext letter (e.g., if every A is replaced by N, no other letter will also be replaced by N). It is allowable for a letter to be replaced by itself (e.g., every M is replaced by M). If the sender and receiver have agreed on the substitution scheme (the key), the receiver can easily decrypt the encrypted message. As an example, suppose the key is this:

NRWZKXCHFBOIMTGVJLYADEPQSU   corresponding ciphertext letters

 Then the plaintext message BANK OF AMERICA would be encrypted as RNTO GX NMKLFWN.

 Simple substitution ciphers are very insecure; their cryptanalysis (recovering the plaintext message from the ciphertext message without knowing the key) is not difficult. It's even easier if the cryptanalyst can use a known plaintext attack, one in which there is a word or phrase that is known (or strongly suspected) to occur in the message that was encrypted. This known word or phrase is a crib.

 For this project, you will write a function that will take a set of ciphertext messages, all encrypted with the same key, and a crib that occurs in one of the messages. The output will be the set of ciphertext messages, with plaintext letters substituted for ciphertext letters to the extent that they can be determined from the crib. As an example, suppose there are four ciphertext messages:

 Rswjo qgx Tmeuo sgjsy jds vqgf vo jds vqzf xbby.
Udbyjo iqcju cg wybgj cg jds esjqiqo zqy
Xbg'j rsj jds jsrrsy jycn jds ucrsgj qrqyt.
ZU 31 cu zdqrrsgecge!

 and the crib is silent alarm. The only ciphertext fragment that could possibly be an encryption of the crib (because it's the only phrase that has words of the right length with the right pattern of repeated letters) is ucrsgj qrqyt. That implies that ciphertext u corresponds to plaintext s, c decrypts to i, etc. Your program would output

 LEwTo ANx MmeSo ENTER TdE vANf vo TdE vAzf xbbR.
zS 31 IS zdALLENeINe!

 The case of letters in ciphertext and the crib is irrelevant. (For example, ciphertext UcRSgJ matches crib sILent; the fact that the ciphertext's U is upper case and the crib's s is lower case is irrelevant.) However, when you output the (partially) decrypted messages, all plaintext letters must be written in upper case, while remaining ciphertext letters that could not be determined from the crib must be written in lower case. All non-letter characters (punctuation, digits, blanks, newlines, etc.) must be written unchanged.

 The function you implement to do this must have the following prototype:

 bool decrypt(const char ciphertext[], const char crib[]);

 The parameter ciphertext is a single C string with all the encrypted messages, separated by newline characters. (There may or may not be a newline character after the last message.) For example, a caller who wanted to decrypt the two messages

 F lgr rntoy rkwndyk ahna'y
phklk ahk mgtks fy.

 could pass as the first argument "F lgr rntoy rkwndyk ahna'y\n phklk ahk mgtks fy." or "F lgr rntoy rkwndyk ahna'y\n phklk ahk mgtks fy.\n". You may assume (and thus don't have to check) that the ciphertext will contain no more than 70 newline characters, and that no message within the ciphertext will be longer than 90 characters (not counting a newline at the end of the message). In other words, there will never be more than 90 characters between two newlines in the ciphertext or before the first newline or after the last newline. It is possible that a message has no words (e.g., is empty, or has digits and spaces but no letters).

 The parameter crib is a C string that denotes the crib, the sequence of one or more words that appear consecutively in order in at least one of the ciphertext messages. (For this spec, we define a word to be a sequence of one or more letters.) One or more blanks separate words in the crib; non-letter characters in crib are to be treated as if they were blanks. Thus, the crib "hush-hush until November 25, 2021" should be treated the same as "hush hush until november" would be, as indicating the sequence consisting of those four words. You must not assume any particular limit to the possible length of the crib string argument that is passed to the function.

 If the crib string has no words, or if no ciphertext fragment in any message could possibly be an encryption of the crib, the decrypt function returns false without writing anything to cout. Otherwise, it writes to cout the (partially) decrypted messages as described above and returns true. The decrypt function must not cause any other output to be written to cout. If more than one ciphertext fragment is a possible encryption of the crib, then choose any one of those matching fragments as the match for the crib. For example, if the ciphertext string were "Rzy pkr" and the crib were "dog", then the output would be exactly one of DOG pkD or Gzy DOG, your choice.

 A crib word must match an entire ciphertext word. The crib word "aba" matches "cdc" in "cdc ef", but not in "cdcef" or "efcdc". A match for the crib does not span multiple messages. For example, if the ciphertext string were "bwra wmwt\nqeirtk spst\n", and the crib were "alan turing", the "wmwt" from the first message and the "qeirtk" from the second are not considered a match for the crib.

 A word is a sequence of letters only, so the crib "dog" would not match anything in the ciphertext "ew'q p-aj", but the crib "he" could match either ew or aj in that ciphertext. As another example, the crib "s cloak and" matches something in the ciphertext "Kpio't dmpbl-boe-ebhhfs opwfm"; the partially decrypted plaintext would be written as "kOiN'S CLOAK-AND-DAhhfs NOwfL".

 All the preceding rules imply that all of these crib strings should be treated the same way:

 "hush-hush until November 25, 2021"
"   hush:-)hUSh---     --- until    NovemBER !!  "
"hush hush until november"

 and would match something in the ciphertext string

 "F gspt fe! zyxZYXzyx--Abca abCa    bdefg## $$dsptrqtj6437 wvuWVUwvu\n\n8 9\n"

 causing the partially decrypted plaintext of that string to be written as

 "I LOVE IT! zyxzyxzyx--HUSH HUSH    UNTIL## $$NOVEMBER6437 wvuwvuwvu\n\n8 9\n"

 Your decrypt function and any functions you write that it calls must not use any std::string objects. If you need to use a string, you must use a C string.

 Note: Some algorithms that you might consider for your decrypt function may appear at first to require that you assume a limit on the length of the crib string. We prohibited that. But we gave you permission to assume that the maximum length of any message within the ciphertext string is 90, so you know that a crib string that could possibly match only messages longer than 90 characters could not possibly match any of the ciphertext messages; for crib strings like that, you could return false without any further analysis. Thus, if you think about it a little, you can determine maximum limits for any auxiliary arrays and C strings you might want your decrypt function to declare.

 Standard C++ requires that the number of elements in an array you declare to be known at compile time. Since the g31 command on enforces that requirement, and your program must run under that compiler, you must meet that requirement. Thus, you must not do something like this:

 bool decrypt(const char ciphertext[], const char crib[])
    char a[strlen(crib)]; // Error! strlen(crib) not known at compile time

 The decrypt function is the only function you are required to write. You may write additional functions as part of your solution if you wish. While we won't test those additional functions separately, their use may help you structure your program more readably. Of course, to test your decrypt function, you'll want to write a main routine that calls it. During the course of developing your solution, you might change that main routine many times. As long as your main routine compiles correctly when you turn in your solution, it doesn't matter what it does, since we will rename it to something harmless and never call it (because we will supply our own main routine to throroughly test your decrypt function).

 Your decrypt function and any functions it calls must not cause anything to be read from cin. They must not cause anything to be written to cout other than the (partially) decrypted messages required by this spec. If you want these functions to write things out for debugging purposes, write to cerr instead of cout. When we test your program, we will cause everything written to cerr to be discarded instead — we will never see that output, so you may leave those debugging output statements in your program if you wish.

 Your implementation must not use any global variables whose values may be changed during execution.

 Your program must build successfully under both g31 and either Visual C++ or clang++.

 The correctness of your program must not depend on undefined program behavior. Your program could not, for example, assume anything about t's value, or even whether or not the program crashes:

 int main()
    char t[6];
    strcpy(t, "Enigma");  // too long: 7 chars including '\0'

 Here's an example of a main routine that performs some simple tests of the decrypt function:

 void runtest(const char ciphertext[], const char crib[])
    cout << "====== " << crib << endl;
    bool result = decrypt(ciphertext, crib);
    cout << "Return value: " << result << endl;

int main()
    cout.setf(ios::boolalpha); // output bools as "true"/"false"

    runtest("Hirdd ejsy zu drvtry od.\nO'z fodvtrry.\n", "my secret");
    runtest("Hirdd ejsy zu drvtry od.\nO'z fodvtrry.\n", "shadow");

 The output of running the program with this main routine would be the following. (Only two of the lines below are written by decrypt, of course.)

 ====== my secret
Return value: true
====== shadow
Return value: false

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