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COMS6998-Homework 2 Perceptron and Weight Initialization, Dead Neurons, Leaky ReLU Solved

Problem 1 - Perceptron                   

Consider a 2-dimensional data set in which all points with x1 x2 belong to the positive class, and all points with x1 ≤ x2 belong to the negative class. Therefore, the true separator of the two classes is linear hyperplane (line) defined by x1 − x2 = 0. Now create a training data set with 20 points randomly generated inside the unit square in the positive quadrant. Label each point depending on whether or not the first coordinate x1 is greater than its second coordinate x2. Now consider the following loss function for training pair (X,y¯ ) and weight vector W¯ :

L = max{0,a − y(W¯ · X¯)},

where the test instances are predicted as ˆy = sign{W¯ · X¯}. For this problem, W¯ = [w1,w2], X¯ = [x1,x2] and ˆy = sign(w1x1 + w2x2). A value of a = 0 corresponds to the perceptron criterion and a value of a = 1 corresponds to hinge-loss.

1.   Implement the perceptron algorithm without regularization, train it on the 20 points above, and test its accuracy on 1000 randomly generated points inside the unit square. Generate the test points using the same procedure as the training points. (6)

2.   Change the perceptron criterion to hinge-loss in your implementation for training, and repeat the accuracy computation on the same test points above. Regularization is not used. (5)

3.   In which case do you obtain better accuracy and why? (2)

4.   In which case do you think that the classification of the same 1000 test instances will not change significantly by using a different set of 20 training points? (2)

Problem 2 - Weight Initialization, Dead Neurons, Leaky ReLU              
Read the two blogs, one by Andre Pernunicic and other by Daniel Godoy on weight initialization. You will reuse the code at github repo linked in the blog for explaining vanishing and exploding gradients. You can use the same 5 layer neural network model as in the repo and the same dataset.

1.   Explain vanishing gradients phenomenon using standard normalization with different values of standard deviation and tanh and sigmoid activation functions. Then show how Xavier (aka Glorot normal) initialization of weights helps in dealing with this problem. Next use ReLU activation and show that instead of Xavier initialization, He initialization works better for ReLU activation. You can plot activations at each of the 5 layers to answer this question. (10)

2.    The dying ReLU is a kind of vanishing gradient, which refers to a problem when ReLU neurons become inactive and only output 0 for any input. In the worst case of dying ReLU, ReLU neurons at a certain layer are all dead, i.e., the entire network dies and is referred as the dying ReLU neural networks in Lu et al (reference below). A dying ReLU neural network collapses to a constant function. Show this phenomenon using any one of the three 1-dimensional functions in page 11 of Lu et al. Use a 10-layer ReLU network with width 2 (hidden units per layer). Use minibatch of 64 and draw training data√ √

uniformly from [− 7, 7]. Perform 1000 independent training simulations each with 3,000 training points. Out of these 1000 simulations, what fraction resulted in neural network collapse. Is your answer close to over 90% as was reported in Lu et al. ? (10) 3. Instead of ReLU consider Leaky ReLU activation as defined below:


Run the 1000 training simulations in part 2 with Leaky ReLU activation and keeping everything else same. Again calculate the fraction of simulations that resulted in neural network collapse. Did Leaky ReLU help in preventing dying neurons ? (10)


•    Andre Perunicic. Understand neural network weight initialization.

Available at

•    Daniel Godoy. Hyper-parameters in ActionPart II — Weight Initializers.

•    Initializers - Keras documentation.

•    Lu Lu et al. Dying ReLU and Initialization: Theory and Numerical Examples .

Problem 3 - Batch Normalization, Dropout, MNIST                       
Batch normalization and Dropout are used as effective regularization techniques. However its not clear which one should be preferred and whether their benefits add up when used in conjunction. In this problem we will compare batch normalization, dropout, and their conjunction using MNIST and LeNet-5 (see e.g., LeNet-5 is one of the earliest convolutional neural network developed for image classification and its implementation in all major framework is available. You can refer to Lecture 3 slides for definition of standardization and batch normalization.

1.   Explain the terms co-adaptation and internal covariance-shift. Use examples if needed. You may need to refer to two papers mentioned below to answer this question. (5)

2.   Batch normalization is traditionally used in hidden layers, for input layer standard normalization is used. In standard normalization the mean and standard deviation are calculated using the entire training dataset whereas in batch normalization these statistics are calculated for each mini-batch. Train LeNet-5 with standard normalization of input and batch normalization for hidden layers. What are the learned batch norm parameters for each layer ? (5)

3.   Next instead of standard normalization use batch normalization for input layer also and train the network. Plot the distribution of learned batch norm parameters for each layer (including input) using violin plots. Compare the train/test accuracy and loss for the two cases ? Did batch normalization for input layer improve performance ? (5)

4.   Train the network without batch normalization but this time use dropout. For hidden layers use dropout probability of 0.5 and for input layer take it to be 0.2 Compare test accuracy using dropout to test accuracy obtained using batch normalization in part 2 and 3. (5)

5.   Now train the network using both batch normalization and dropout. How does the performance (test accuracy) of the network compare with the cases with dropout alone and with batch normalization alone ? (5)


•    N. Srivastava, G. Hinton, A. Krizhevsky, I. Sutskever, R.Salakhutdinov . Dropout: A Simple Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Overfitting. Available at at rsalakhu/papers/srivastava14a.pdf.

•    S. Ioffe, C. Szegedy. Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift. Available at

Problem 4 - Learning Rate, Batch Size, FashionMNIST                        
Recall cyclical learning rate policy discussed in Lecture 4. The learning rate changes in cyclical manner between lrmin and lrmax, which are hyperparameters that need to be specified. For this problem you first need to read carefully the article referenced below as you will be making use of the code there (in Keras) and modifying it as needed. For those who want to work in Pytorch there are open source implementations of this policy available which you can easily search for and build over them. You will work with FashionMNIST dataset and MiniGoogLeNet (described in reference).

1.   Summarize FashionMNIST dataset, total dataset size, training set size, validation set size, number of classes, number of images per class. Show any 3 representative images from any 3 classes in the dataset.


2.   Fix batch size to 64 and start with 10 candidate learning rates between 10−9 and 101 and train your model for 5 epochs. Plot the training loss as a function of learning rate. You should see a curve like Figure 3 in reference below. From that figure identify the values of lrmin and lrmax. (5)

3.   Use the cyclical learning rate policy (with exponential decay) and train your network using batch size 64 and lrmin and lrmax values obtained in part 1. Plot train/validation loss and accuracy curve (similar to Figure 4 in reference). (5)

4.   Fix learning rate to lrmin and train your network starting with batch size 64 and going upto 8192. If your GPU cannot handle large batch sizes, you can employ effective batch size approach as discussed in Lecture 3 to simulate large batches. Plot the training loss as a function of batch size. Do you see a similar behavior of training loss with respect to batch size as seen in part 2 with respect to learning rate ? (5)

5.   Can you identify bmin and bmax from the figure in part 4 for devising a cyclical batch size policy ? Create an algorithm for automatically determining batch size and show its steps in a block diagram as in Figure 1 of reference. (4)

6.   Use bmin and bmax values identified in part 3 and devise a cyclical batch size policy such that the batch size changes in a cyclical manner between bmin and bmax. In part 3 we did exponential decrease in learning rate as training progress. What should be an analogous trajectory for batch size as training progresses, exponential increase or decrease ? Use cyclical batch size policy (with appropriate trajectory) and train your network using learning rate lrmin. (6)

7.   Compare the best accuracy from the two cyclical policies. Which policy gives you the best accuracy ?


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