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COMS4705 -  Natural Language Processing - Homework 3- Solved

 Sentiment Classification with Naive Bayes and Recurrent Neural Networks )
Part 1: Sentiment Classification with Naive Bayes (100 points)
In this part, you will be performing sentiment analysis on movie reviews by classifying the reviews as positive or negative. Sentiment analysis is used to extract people’s opinions on a variety of topics at many levels of granularity. Our goal, however, for this assignment is to look at an entire movie review and classify it as positive or negative. In this part, you will implement Naive Bayes classifiers for sentiment classification.

Part 2: Sentiment Classification with Recurrent Neural Networks (Bonus: 20 points)
This part will serve as your introduction to using neural networks, a powerful tool in NLP. You will be doing emotion classification, in which you assign one of several emotion labels to a piece of text. You will implement and apply different neural architectures to this problem using PyTorch and work through the math that defines them. The data you will use for this homework is taken from a CrowdFlower dataset[1] from which a subset was used in an experiment published on Microsoft Azure AI Gallery[2].

Part 1: Sentiment Classification with NB
You and Na¨ıve Bayes
We will be using Na¨ıve Bayes, following the pseudocode in Chapter 6 of Jurafsky and

Martin, using Laplace smoothing. The classifier you make will use words as features, add

the logarithmic probability scores for each token, and make binary decisions between positive and negative sentiment. You will implement the binary version of the Na¨ıve Bayes with boolean features and explore the impact of stop-word filtering. Stop-word filtering helps to improve performance by removing common words like “this”, “the”, “a”, “of”, “it” from your train and test sets. A list of stop words you will be using is included in the starter code at NB/data/english.stop

Finally you will implement your own features and or heuristics to improve performance. To help understand some key concepts, algorithms, and strategies with this assignment, we have included the paper from Pang and Lee [3]. All the code and data you need for this part is in the NB/ folder.

What is Na¨ıve Bayes?

Na¨ıve Bayes is a classification technique that uses Bayes’ Theorem with an underlying assumption of independence among predictors. Na¨ıve Bayes classifiers assume a features presence is unrelated to another feature. For example if an orange is considered to be an orange if it is orange, round, and 4 inches in diameter; regardless of if two of these features are related or even existent upon another feature. Bayes’ Theorem is the following


where A is the class and B is the predictor. There are many examples online, I will leave that for outside of this document.

There are several pros and cons to Na¨ıve Bayes.

•    Easy and fast to predict classes of test data. Performs well with multi class prediction

•    If the assumption of independence holds, a Naive Bayes classifier performs better than most of models like logistic regression and with less training data.

•    If categorical variables have a category that is not observed well in training, then the model will assign a 0 or near zero probability and will be unable to make predictions. To solve this Zero Frequency problem, we can use a smoothing technique like Laplace estimation.

•    Bayes is known to be a bad estimator

•    Assumption of independence is usually rare within a data set

•    Performs poorly on a set where more false positives are identified than true positives.

So naturally how can we improve Na¨ıve Bayes? This will be part of the assignment  

Details and Tasks
With the IMDB data set from the original Pang and Lee paper (included in the starter code), train a Na¨ıve Bayes classifier. This code is already set up to perform 10-fold cross validation training and testing. Cross validation is simply splitting the data into several sections and then training and testing the classifier repeatedly. Specifically, this means training on 9 folds and testing on a different held out set. The average across the 10 iterations are calculated. This prevents bias towards a particular partition.

When using movie reviews for training, the fact that the review is positive or negative to train and help compute the correct values, but when using the same review for testing, only use the label to compute the accuracy. The data that comes with cross validation sections that are defined in the file NB/data/poldata.README.2.0

Task 1: Implement Classifier
Implement a Na¨ıve Bayes classifier training and test method and evaluate them using the provided cross-validation mechanism. While Wikipedia[4] has the critical information to understand Na¨ıve Bayes, there are great tutorials available from James Brownlee[5].

Splitting Data For 10-fold Cross Validation

The data has been split for you across all documents providing 10 splits.

Adding Documents
With the data split, we need to perform a series of operations on each split (or set of data). Notice in the train method, for every document, we use the addDocument function provided a classification (pos, neg) and a set of words. This function’s task is to add the information the document provides in our Na¨ıve Bayes model. Information worth adding in a dictionary count (similar to the unigram count in assignment 1) might be: the frequency of the classifier, the frequency of words, the frequency of words per classifier, and the number of words per classifier. Also potentially worthwhile is a similar listing for unique words in each document (for binary Na¨ıve Bayes).

Adding The Classifier
In order to predict sentiment (classification), we need to calculate the probabilities of each sentiment. This is done with the following formula where c represents the particular classification.


P(cj) represents the probability of that classification in all possible classifications (pos, neg). This is a simple probability of just the number of documents classified with this sentiment! So the formal equation follows,


This gives us the first part of the classification equation above. Now let’s look at the summation of individual words of that sentiment classification.

The probability of a word given a sentiment can be formalized by this equation,


where count(wi,c) considers the frequency of a word in a sentiment given all words in a sentiment. This should remind you of homework 1 regarding unigram counts in the corpus!

Note that it is easiest to prevent underflow by decrementing a -log function by each of these probabilities as they are seen.

Task 2: Evaluate Model
Now evaluate your model again with the stop words removed. The implementation of using the stop words has been provided and can be run by running the following command

python -f /data/imdb

inside the folder NB/.

Task 3: Binary Version of Na¨ıve Bayes
Now implement a binary version of Na¨ıve Bayes classifier that uses the presence or absence of a feature rather than the feature counts. Let’s look at a formal equation for a Binary Na¨ıve Bayes,


where P(wk,cj) is equal to the Binary event model,

                                                                                                 when      doc count(wk,c) > 0

                                 k           j

                                                      0                               when      doc count(wk,c) = 0

where wk represents each word in the vocabulary. To clarify, count in this case is the document frequency as opposed to the actual word frequency. Do not confuse this with Bernoulli Na¨ıve Bayes which penalizes the probability when the vocabulary word for a sentiment does not exists in the document. This might be worthwhile to implement when creating your best model.

Task 4: Interpret the Model Behavior Recall that Naive Bayes classifiers make predictions by



We can interpret and understand the model behavior by analyzing the value of Pr(wi|cj)) for each class cj and word wi. For each class cj, what are the signal words w that are indicators of an example being class cj? More concretely, for each class cj, what are the words w that maximizes Pr[wi|cj] − Pr[wi|¬cj]?

Fill in the analyze  model function in NB/ that takes a NB classifier as input, and outputs two word lists each consisting of 10 words corresponding to a class.

Task 5: Can Our Model Be Improved?

Experiment with different heuristics and features to increase the classifier’s accuracy. Here are some pointers that should help you. We also recommend looking at the data and reading the suggested paper from Pang and Lee. In order to get full credit, you need to experiment with at least two new heuristics and features. Clearly document at the top of the file the new heuristics and features you implemented and experimented with.

•    Adding More/Other features: You’ll have used the unigram words in each review as features in your model. What other features can you use that will boost your classifier’s performance?

•    Feature Selection: Feature selection is a tool that can be used to remove some possibly-redundant features. The stop word-removal is a simplistic feature selection, and there are more sophisticated ones from the reading. See if any of these feature selection techniques can be used here to give better cross-validation scores. One strategy, removing correlated features, is a good place to start as the highly correlated features are accounted for twice can lead to over inflating importance in the model.

•    Laplace Smoothing: Laplace smoothing is a must for Na¨ıve Bayes, and you should be doing it already in your model. However Bayes classifiers have limited options for parameter tuning. It is highly recommended to focus on pre-processing of data and the feature selection rather than specific parameter tuning. Are there other smoothing techniques that could help?

•    Weighting features: In the multinomial Na¨ıve Bayes classifier, each feature was weighed according to the frequency. The binary version was weighed by presence and absence. Perhaps there are some better ways to weigh the features?

•    Classifier Combination Techniques: We would not recommend classifier combination techniques like bagging, boosting, and ensembling because their purpose is to reduce variance, but with Na¨ıve Bates there is no variance to minimize.

This link has some great insights to improving Na¨ıve Bayes performance[6].

There are also some common techniques to improve the performance of Na¨ıve Bayes. Here are some examples of where improvements should be made.

•    Many people thought this movie was very good, but I found it bad. This sentence has two strong and opposing words in this sentence (good, bad), but it can be inferred that the sentiment of the sentence can be determined by the word bad and not good. How can you weigh your features for ’good’ and ’bad’ differently to reflect this sentence’s sentiment?

•    Paige’s acting was neither realistic or inspired. Currently, the feature set comprises individual words in a bag of words approach. Because of this, the words inspired and realistic are considered separately despite the surrounding words like neither. How can you model take into consideration this word order?

•    The sites are chosen carefully; it is no wonder this comes across as a very beautiful movie. How can you change the weight for a feature like beautiful, since it is expressed more strongly than saying ’it is a beautiful film’. How does very impact the next word?

Some notes on generalization It is important to come up with simple features that maintain generality and are not fixed to specific examples. Try to choose features that model your both training and held-out/unseen data as opposed to just examples in the training set. Optimizations regarding just the provided data set, will not do well in the held out set.

1. Your Implementation
To ensure that your code functions properly from the command line and our grader, you should limit your changes to addDocument() and classify() prototypes in NB/ Feel free to add other elements invoked by these methods. Note main() is not executed so you cannot rely on anything added there.

$ python data/imdb

Adding flags should be done as such. Flag -f adds stop word filtering, flag -b uses your binarized model, and flag -m invokes the best model. These flags should be used one at a time. Your assignment will be graded similarly using one flag at a time.

If you wish to use your classifier on other data sets, you can specify a second directory to test on the entirely held out second set! This can be done with the following command. $ python -fbm <train directory> <test directory>

Part 2: Sentiment Classification with RNN (Bonus)
To get started, download the provided code from the website, and the folder RNN/ contains all the code and data for this part. Ultimately, the provided code and the code you write should work together to load the text data from the RNN/data/crowdflower data.csv file, preprocess it and place it into Pytorch DataLoaders, create a number of models, train them on the training and development data, and test them on a blind test set. Most of the code is already written for you; you will complete this assignment by filling in some code of your own.

1. Provided Resources
The data in RNN/data/crowdflower data.csv consists of tweets labeled with 4 emotion labels: ‘neutral’, ‘happiness’, ‘worry’, and ‘sadness’. Each tweet has exactly one label. The data is not pre-processed in any way.

Code is already provided to 1) load, preprocess, and vectorize the data; 2) load pretrained 100-dimensional GloVe embeddings; and 3) test a generic model on the test set.

The preprocessing code is located in RNN/ You may not modify test  model().

The main() function in RNN/ is provided to start you out; it loads and preprocesses the data, and will save it to file if you set FRESH START = True and load it if you set FRESH  START = False so that you do not have to re-process the data every time you run the code. You should use this function to run and test your code.

2. Tasks
In this assignment you will need to do the following:

1.    Fill in the train model() function in RNN/ to train your models (§)

2.    Implement a recurrent neural network

3.    Fill in main() in RNN/ to run your models

3. Training Code
You will need to fill in the train model() function in RNN/ to train your models. You may not modify the function header. The train model() function you submit should do the following:

•    Train by looping through minibatches of the whole training set;

•    Calculate the loss on each minibatch (between the gold labels and your model output) using the existing loss function;

•    Do backpropagation with the loss from each minibatch and take an optimizer step;

•    At the end of each epoch, calculate and print the total loss on the development set;

•    Train until the loss on the development set stops improving; and

•    Return the trained model.

4. Models
You will implement a recurrent neural network, by filling in the init() and forward() functions for the RecurrentNetwork class in the RNN/ file.

Recurrent Network
Your recurrent network should follow the computation graph below: You can choose the type of RNN (plain RNN, LSTM, GRU).

[3] Thumbs up? Sentiment Classification using Machine Learning Techniques

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