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COMS4701-Homework 4 CSPs Solved

The objective of Sudoku is to ll a 9x9 grid with the numbers 1-9 so that each column, row, and 3x3 sub-grid (or box) contains one of each digit. You may try out the game here: ​​. Sudoku has 81 ​variables​, i.e. 81 tiles. The variables are named by ​row​ and ​column​, and are ​valued​ from 1 to 9 subject to the constraints that no two cells in the same row, column, or box may be the same.


Frame your problem in terms of ​variables​, ​domains​, and ​constraints. ​We suggest representing a Sudoku board with a Python dictionary, where each key is a variable name based on location, and value of the tile placed there. Using variable names ​Al​… A9… I1… I9, ​         ​ the board above has: -  sudoku_dict​["​B1​"] = 9​ ​, and  -     sudoku_dict​["​E9​"] = ​8​. 


We give value ​zero​ to a tile that has not yet been filled.


Your program will be executed as follows:

$ python <input_string


In the starter zip, ​sudokus_start.txt​, contains hundreds of sample unsolved Sudoku boards, and sudokus_finish.txt​ the corresponding solutions. Each board is represented as a single line of text, starting from the top-left corner of the board, and listed left-to-right, top-to-bottom. 


The first board in ​sudokus_start.txt​ is represented as the string:



Which is equivalent to:

0  0  3  0  2  0  6  0  0

9  0  0  3  0  5  0  0  1

0  0  1  8  0  6  4  0  0 

0  0  8  1  0  2  9  0  0 

7  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  8 

0  0  6  7  0  8  2  0  0

0  0  2  6  0  9  5  0  0

8  0  0  2  0  3  0  0  9

0  0  5  0  1  0  3  0  0


Your program will generate ​output.txt, containing a single line of text representing the finished Sudoku​ board. E.g.:



Test your program using ​sudokus_finish.txt​, which contains the solved versions of all of the same puzzles.


I.       Backtracking Algorithm
Implement backtracking​              search using the ​            minimum remaining value​         ​ heuristic. Pick your own order of​ values to try for each variable, and apply ​forward checking​ ​to reduce variables domains. 

-        Test your program on ​sudokus_start.txt​.

-        Report the puzzles you can solve now, running time, observations. 

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