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ComputerVision- Homework 5 Solved

Tasks:Tiny images representation + nearest neighbor classifier 
(accuracy of about 18-25%)
Bag of SIFT representation + nearest neighbor classifier 

(accuracy of about 50-60%)

Bag of SIFT representation + linear SVM classifier 

(accuracy of about 60-70%)

Extra bonus: try to use deep learning! (you can choose any type of neural network model)

You need to evaluate the accuracy of your model.
You can use
Goal: builds a classifier to categorize images into one of 15 scene types!

Tiny images representation + nearest neighbor classifier
Tiny images representation
Simply resizes each image to a small, fixed resolution (16*16).
You can either resize the images to square while ignoring their aspect ratio or you can crop the center square portion out of each image.
The entire image is just a vector of 16*16 = 256 dimensions.
You can use functions (MATLAB): imread, imresize

Tiny images representation + nearest neighbor classifier
Nearest neighbor classifier
Instead of 1 nearest neighbor, you can vote based on k nearest neighbors which will increase performance (although you need to pick a reasonable value for k).
Training example Test examples Training

examples from class 2

from class 1

f(x) = label of the training example nearest to x 

All we need is a distance function for our inputs
No training required!
Bag of SIFT representation + nearest neighbor classifier
Bag of SIFT representation

Resized images


Vector Quantization Bag-of-words model
2         0         1 ……


Bag of SIFT representation + nearest neighbor classifier
Bag of SIFT representation

Resized images


Vector Quantization Bag-of-words model



You can use functions (MATLAB): fitcsvm, predict
Vector Quantization
Vector Quantization
SVM Model
Training Data
Real label
Example: cat facial recognition    Training Phase
SVM model


Example: cat facial recognition  Detection Phase

Training Data


Vector Quantization


Test image


Vector Quantization

SVM Model


Not cat



Extra bonus: deep learning

Example: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

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