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ComputerGraphics - A17 – Animation and interpolation - Solved

In this assignment, you should provide the procedure that creates the transform matrix that transform the position and the rotation of one object, with linear interpolation between two frames. The application is contained in index.html and the procedure for defining the transform matrix is in file interp.js.  

The procedure receives 13 parameters defining the position, the rotation in the initial and final frame, and the linear interpolation factor. Parameters tx1, ty1 and tz1 contain the translation displacements of the first frame (respectively tx2, ty2 and tz2 for the last frame). Rotations are defined using Euler angles, and contained in rx1, ry1, rz1, rx2, ry2 and rz2. Last parameter a is the interpolation value, 0 <= alpha <= 1, used for the interpolation.


The slider at the bottom allows to vary the frame rate, increasing or decreasing the animation speed.

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