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Computer-Graphics Project #3- Texture Mapping on Object Loader Solution

❖ Read ‘Cube.obj’ file and store the following data in appropriate structures o Get vertices x,y,z (v lines) o Get texture cords either x,y (vt lines) o Get indices list that include vertex index, texture index, normal index, f lines
o Apply Texture image to cube
❖ Indices format is as follows o f → v index /vt index /vn index o if no vt f → v//vn o handle the error checking accordingly o Use ‘given framework for your implementation
o Set gluLookAt(0,0,3,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0);
o Use the Texture image from here or similar
❖ You will get extra 5 points for using typedef structure for own data types
GLUT_KEY_END: zoom in
GLUT_KEY_HOME: zoom out
GLUT_KEY_UP: Rotate Up around X-Axis
GLUT_KEY_DOWN: Rotate Down around X-Axis
GLUT_KEY_LEFT: Rotate Left
GLUT_KEY_RIGHT: Rotate Right
‘w’ : wire frame
❖ Draw the scene using the following format & follow the given key setup
glNormal3f(….. glTexCoord2f(.. glVertex3f(……
glNormal3f(….. glTexCoord2f(.. glVertex3f(……
glNormal3f(….. glTexCoord2f(.. glVertex3f(…… glEnd();
Include your Name, ID, Class and Project Name at the top of the code. Please comment your code describing what each of your code line dose. Save the file as “projectXX.cpp”

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