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COMPSCI3MI3 Assignment 5 Solution

The goals of this assignment are:
1. Do a typechecker implementation where you have to take care of doing unification yourself.
2. In other words, implement Algorithm W for the Hindley-Milner type system.
Your laguage will be the lambda calculus (i.e. variables, abstraction aka lambda and application) with let-in, pairs, unit, booleans and natural numbers.
Specifically, the syntactic forms, values, evaluation rules and typing rules from Types and Programming Languages:
• Figures 3-1, 3-2
• Figures 8-1, 8-2
• Figure 9-1 without typing annotation on lambda
• Figure 11-2, 11-4, 11-5, with the modified polymorphic let from section 22.7 of the textbook.
For extra certainty, a Skel.hs file is provided with datatype definitions (that you must use as is) and stubs for the functions you need to implement.
The Tasks
1 Typing [60 points]
Take the language as specified above and implement (in Haskell) all the functions whose body is currently undefined.
Note that the textbook implements a more complex algorithm.
2 Testing [40 points]
As with previous assignments, you should provide a properly documented test suite for your code.
Submission Requirements
• Must be handed in as a .zip, .gz, or .7z file. Other archive formats will not be accepted, resulting in a score of 0. The archive should be called A5 (with your email address, I am
“carette”, substituted in).
• The name of the file does matter.
• If you looked things up online (or in a book) to help, document it in your code. If you have asked a friend for help, document that too. “Looked things up online” includes all AI tools and the courses’ own slides, tutorials, etc. Put this in a README file (as plain text, Markdown, or HTML). (For this assignment, this is manditory, as it is built-in that you will have to look things up.)

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