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COMP9021 Practice 8-Change-making problem: greedy solution Solution

1 Change-making problem: greedy solution
Write a program that prompts the user for an amount, and outputs the minimal number of banknotes needed to yield that amount, as well as the detail of how many banknotes of each type value are used. The available banknotes have a face value which is one of $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100.
Here are examples of interactions:
$ python3 Input the desired amount: 10
1 banknote is needed. The detail is:
$10: 1
$ python3
Input the desired amount: 739
12 banknotes are needed The detail is:
$100: 7
$20: 1
$10: 1
$5: 1
$2: 2
$ python3
Input the desired amount: 35642
359 banknotes are needed The detail is:
$100: 356
$20: 2
$2: 1
The natural solution implements a greedy approach: we always look for the largest possible face value to deduct from what remains of the amount.
Suppose that the available banknotes had a face value which was one of $1, $20, and $50. For an amount of $60, the greedy algorithm would not work, as it would yield one $50 banknote and ten $1 banknotes, so eleven banknotes all together, whereas we only need three $20 banknotes.
2 Change-making problem: general solution
Write a program that prompts the user for the face values of banknotes and their associated quantities as well as for an amount, and if possible, outputs the minimal number of banknotes needed to match that amount, as well as the detail of how many banknotes of each type value are used.
The face values and associated quantities should be input as a dictionary. You might find the literal_eval() function from the ast module to be useful.
A solution is output from smallest face value to largest face value. If a solution is represented as a list of pairs of the form (banknote face value, number of banknotes) ordered from smallest to largest face value, then the solutions themselves are output in lexicographical order (for sequences of pairs). All face values for a given solution are right aligned.
Here are examples of interactions:
$ python3
Input a dictionary whose keys represent banknote face values with as value for a given key the number of banknotes that are available for the corresponding face value: {2: 100, 50: 100}
Input the desired amount: 99
There is no solution.
$ python3
Input a dictionary whose keys represent banknote face values with as value for a given key the number of banknotes that are available for the corresponding face value: {1: 30, 20: 30, 50: 30}
Input the desired amount: 60
There is a unique solution:
$20: 3
$ python3
Input a dictionary whose keys represent banknote face values with as value for a given key the number of banknotes that are available for the corresponding face value: {1: 100, 2: 5, 3: 4, 10: 5, 20: 4, 30: 1} Input the desired amount: 107
There are 2 solutions:
$1: 1
$3: 2
$10: 1
$20: 3
$30: 1
$2: 2
$3: 1
$10: 1
$20: 3
$30: 1
$ python3
Input a dictionary whose keys represent banknote face values with as value for a given key the number of banknotes that are available for the corresponding face value: {1: 7, 2: 5, 3: 4, 4: 3, 5: 2} Input the desired amount: 29
There are 4 solutions:
$1: 1
$3: 2
$4: 3
$5: 2
$2: 1
$3: 3
$4: 2
$5: 2
$2: 2
$3: 1
$4: 3
$5: 2
$3: 4
$4: 3
$5: 1
$ python3
Input a dictionary whose keys represent banknote face values with as value for a given key the number of banknotes that are available for the corresponding face value: {11:34, 12:34, 13: 234, 17:44, 18:54, 19: 3} Input the desired amount: 3422
There are 8 solutions:
$11: 1
$12: 4
$13: 122
$17: 44
$18: 54
$19: 3
$11: 1
$13: 127
$17: 43
$18: 54
$19: 3
$11: 2
$12: 2
$13: 123
$17: 44
$18: 54
$19: 3
$11: 3
$13: 124
$17: 44
$18: 54
$19: 3
$12: 1
$13: 127
$17: 44
$18: 53
$19: 3
$12: 2
$13: 126
$17: 43
$18: 54
$19: 3
$12: 6
$13: 121
$17: 44
$18: 54
$19: 3
$13: 128
$17: 44
$18: 54
$19: 2
The natural approach makes use of the linear programming technique exemplified in the computation of the Levenshtein distance between two words.
3 Fibonacci codes
Recall that the Fibonacci sequence (Fn)n>=0 is defined by the equations: F0 = 0, F1 = 1 and for all n > 0, Fn = Fn+1 + Fn−2
F0 = 0 F1 = 1 F2 = 1 F3 = 2 F4 = 3 F5 = 5 F6 = 8 F7 = 13 F8 = 21 ...
It can be shown that every strictly positive integer N can be uniquely coded as a string σ of 0’s and 1’s ending with 1, so of the form b2b3 ...bk with k ≥ 2 and bk = 1, such that N is the sum of all Fi’s, 2 ≤ i ≤ k, with bi = 1. For instance, 11 = 3 + 8 = F4 + F6, hence 11 is coded by 00101.
• there are no two successive occurrences of 1 in σ;
• Fk is the largest Fibonacci number that fits in N, and if j is the largest integer in {2,...,k−1} such that bj = 1 then Fj is the largest Fibonacci number that fits in N − Fk, and if i is the largest integer in {2,...,j −1} such that bi = 1 then Fi is the largest Fibonacci number that fits in N − Fk − Fj...
Also, every string of 0’s and 1’s ending in 1 and having no two successive occurrences of 1’s is a code of a strictly positive integer according to this coding scheme. For instance:
• There is only one string of 0’s and 1’s of length 1 ending in 1 and having no two successive occurrences of 1’s; it is 1, and it codes 1.
• There is only one string of 0’s and 1’s of length 2 ending in 1 and having no two successive occurrences of 1’s; it is 01, and it codes 2.
• The strings of 0’s and 1’s of length 3 ending in 1 and having no two successive occurrences of 1’s are 001 and 101 and they code 3 and 4, respectively.
• The strings of 0’s and 1’s of length 4 ending in 1 and having no two successive occurrences of 1’s are 0001, 1001 and 0101 and they code 5, 6 and 7, respectively.
• The strings of 0’s and 1’s of length 5 ending in 1 and having no two successive occurrences of 1’s are 00001, 10001, 01001, 00101 and 10101 and they code 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, respectively. • ...
The Fibonacci code of N adds 1 at the end of σ; the resulting string then ends in two 1’s, therefore marking the end of the code, and allowing one to let one string code a finite sequence of strictly positive integers. For instance, 00101100111011 codes (11,3,4).
Write a program with two function, one that takes one argument N mean to to be a strictly positive integer and returns its Fibonacci code, and one that takes one argument σ meant to be a strict consisting 0’s and 1’s, returns 0 if σ cannot be a Fibonacci code, and otherwise returns the integer σ is the Fibonacci code of.
Here is a possible interaction:
$ python3 ...
>>> from fibonacci_codes import *
>>> encode(1)
>>> encode(2)
>>> encode(3)
>>> encode(4)
>>> encode(8)
>>> encode(11)
>>> encode(12)
>>> encode(14)
>>> decode(’1’)
>>> decode(’01’)
>>> decode(’100011011’)
>>> decode(’11’)
>>> decode(’011’)
>>> decode(’0011’)
>>> decode(’1011’)
>>> decode(’000011’)
>>> decode(’001011’)
>>> decode(’1000011’)
4 Random walk (optional)
Write a program that creates the picture of a random walk for a default of 50,001 points, starting from the point (0,0) and randomly choosing at every step to move horizontally and vertically by at most 4 units, west or east and north or south, respectively—it is allowed to move only horizontally or only vertically, but not to stay in place. The picture is drawn thanks to the matplotlib.pyplot module, which it is convenient to import as plt.
• The picture is 5 inches wide and 3 inches high—check out plt.figure(), passing as argument the system’s resolution (in dots per inch) for best results.
• Check out plt.scatter():
– we want the points to be printed out with a size of 1 point2, with no edges, and use the colormap, the first points being the lightest, the last points being the darkest, which we obtain by letting the colour of the (i + 1)st point be determined by i itself;
– we want to print out the first point in green, the last point in red, with a size of 10 point2, with no edges.
• We do not want to display axis lines and labels—check out plt.axis().
To display the figure, check out Here is one possible such picture:

5 Markov chains (optional)
Write a program that prompts the user to input two positive integers n and N, and outputs N words generated by a Markov chain where a dictionary file, named dictionary.txt, stored in the working directory, determines the probability that an n-gram (that is, a sequence of n letters) be followed by this or that character (including the “end-of-word” character). More precisely, assume that n = 3. Then a word c1 is generated as follows.
• c1 is generated following the probability that, according to dictionary.txt, a word starts with c1.
• c2 is generated following the probability that, according to dictionary.txt, a word that starts with c1 starts with c1c2; in case c2 is the end of word marker then k = 1.
• c3 is generated following the probability that, according to dictionary.txt, a word that starts with c1c2 starts with c1c2c3; in case c3 is the end of word marker then k = 2.
• c4 is generated following the probability that, according to dictionary.txt, a word that contains c1c2c3 contains c1c2c3c4; in case c4 is the end of word marker then k = 3.
• c5 is generated following the probability that, according to dictionary.txt, a word that contains c2c3c4 contains c2c3c4c5; in case c5 is the end of word marker then k = 4.
• c6 is generated following the probability that, according to dictionary.txt, a word that contains c3c4c5 contains c3c4c5c6; in case c6 is the end of word marker then k = 5.
• ...
The program should indicate whether the word that has been generated has been invented (because it does not occur in dictionary.txt), or whether it has been rediscovered (because it does occur in dictionary.txt). Here is a possible interaction.
$ python3
What n to use to let an n-gram determine the next character? 2
How many words do you want to generate? 10
Rediscovered ADS
Invented LER
Invented CIATTLY
Invented GRECOND
Rediscovered ASS
Invented WINCOT
Invented PEENIAR
Rediscovered ANTS
$ python3
What n to use to let an n-gram determine the next character? 3
How many words do you want to generate? 10
Invented ROYAN
Rediscovered THING
Rediscovered RECEPTION
Invented LISHED
Invented INISM
$ python3
What n to use to let an n-gram determine the next character? 4
How many words do you want to generate? 10
Invented DIFFICE
Rediscovered SUBSCRIBED
Invented SCHED
Rediscovered MILLION
$ python3
What n to use to let an n-gram determine the next character? 5
How many words do you want to generate? 10
Rediscovered APPEARS
Rediscovered LOWS
Rediscovered SPORTS
Rediscovered JACOB
Rediscovered BRUNHILDE Invented REORGANISM

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