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COMP9021 Practice 4 Solution

1 A triangle of characters
Write a program that gets a strictly positive integer N as input and outputs a triangle of height N, following this kind of interaction:
$ python3
Enter strictly positive number: 13
Two built-in functions are useful for this exercise:
• ord() returns the integer that encodes the character provided as argument;
• chr() returns the character encoded by the integer provided as argument.
For instance:
>>> ord(’A’)
>>> chr(65) ’A’
Consecutive uppercase letters are encoded by consecutive integers. For instance:
>>> ord(’A’), ord(’B’), ord(’C’)
(65, 66, 67)
2 Pascal triangle
Write a program that prompts the user for a number N and prints out the first N +1 lines of Pascal triangle, making sure the numbers are nicely aligned, following this kind of interaction.
$ python3
Enter a nonnegative integer: 3
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
$ python3
Enter a nonnegative integer: 7
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
1 6 15 20 15 6 1
1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1
$ python3
Enter a nonnegative integer: 11
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
1 6 15 20 15 6 1
1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1
1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 1
1 9 36 84 126 126 84 36 9 1
1 10 45 120 210 252 210 120 45 10 1
1 11 55 165 330 462 462 330 165 55 11 1
3 Hasse diagrams
Let a strictly positive integer n be given. Let D be the set of divisors of n. Let k be the number of prime divisors of n (the number of prime numbers in D). The members of D can be arranged as the vertices of a solid in a k-dimensional space as illustrated below for n = 12 (in which case D = {1,2,3,4,6,12} and k = 2) and for n = 30 (in which case D = {1,2,3,5,6,10,15,30} and k = 3).
• Each of the solids’ vertices is associated with two collections of nodes: those “directly below” it, and those “directly above” it. In particular, the prime divisors of n are “directly above” 1, and no vertex is below 1; n has exactly k vertices “directly below” it, and no vertex is above n. This suggests considering a dictionary whose keys are the members of D (inserted from smallest to largest), and as value for a given key d, the pair of ordered lists of members of D “directly below” d and “directly above” d, respectively.
• The solids exhibit k distinct “edge directions”, one for each prime divisor of n, defining a partition of the solids’ edges. One can represent this partition as a dictionary whose keys are the prime divisors of n (inserted from smallest to largest), and as value for a given key p, the ordered list of ordered pairs of members of D that make up the endpoints of the edges whose “direction” is associated with p.

Write a Python program that defines a function make_hasse_diagram() that returns a named tuple HasseDiagram with three attributes:
• factors, for a dictionary whose keys are the members of D, and as value for a given key d—1 excepted—, a string that represents the prime decomposition of d, using x for multiplication and ^ for exponentiation, displaying only exponents greater than 1;
• vertices, for the first dictionary previously defined;
• edges, for the second dictionary previously defined.
Using the doctest module to test make_hasse_diagram() and the pprint() function from the pprint module, the following behaviour would then be observed:
>>> HD = make_hasse_diagram(12)
>>> HD # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
HasseDiagram(factors=..., edges=..., vertices=...)
>>> HD.factors
{1: ’1’, 2: ’2’, 3: ’3’, 4: ’2^2’, 6: ’2x3’, 12: ’2^2x3’}
>>> pprint(HD.vertices)
{1: ([], [2, 3]),
2: ([1], [4, 6]),
3: ([1], [6]),
4: ([2], [12]),
6: ([2, 3], [12]),
12: ([4, 6], [])}
>>> HD.edges
{2: [(1, 2), (2, 4), (3, 6), (6, 12)], 3: [(1, 3), (2, 6), (4, 12)]}
>>> HD = make_hasse_diagram(30)
>>> HD # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
HasseDiagram(factors=..., edges=..., vertices=...)
>>> HD.factors
{1: ’1’, 2: ’2’, 3: ’3’, 5: ’5’, 6: ’2x3’, 10: ’2x5’, 15: ’3x5’, 30: ’2x3x5’}
>>> pprint(HD.vertices)
{1: ([], [2, 3, 5]),
2: ([1], [6, 10]),
3: ([1], [6, 15]),
5: ([1], [10, 15]),
6: ([2, 3], [30]),
10: ([2, 5], [30]),
15: ([3, 5], [30]),
30: ([6, 10, 15], [])}
>>> pprint(HD.edges)
{2: [(1, 2), (3, 6), (5, 10), (15, 30)],
3: [(1, 3), (2, 6), (5, 15), (10, 30)],
5: [(1, 5), (2, 10), (3, 15), (6, 30)]}
4 Encoding pairs of integers as natural numbers (optional)
Write a program that implements a function encode(a, b) and a function decode(n) for the one-to-one mapping from the set of pairs of integers onto the set of natural numbers, that can be graphically described as follows:
16 15
17 4
18 519 6 14
7 13
8 12
20 21 ...
That is, starting from the point (0,0) of the plane, we move to (1,0) and then spiral counterclockwise:
• encode(0,0) returns 0 and decode(0) returns (0,0)
• encode(1,0) returns 1 and decode(1) returns (1,0)
• encode(1,1) returns 2 and decode(2) returns (1,1)
• encode(0,1) returns 3 and decode(3) returns (0,1)
• encode(-1,1) returns 4 and decode(4) returns (-1,1)
• encode(-1,0) returns 5 and decode(5) returns (-1,0)
• encode(-1,-1) returns 6 and decode(6) returns (-1,-1)
• encode(0,-1) returns 7 and decode(7) returns (0,-1)
• encode(1,-1) returns 8 and decode(8) returns (1,-1)
• encode(2,-1) returns 9 and decode(9) returns (2,-1)
• ...
5 Map of CO2 emissions (optional, needs a module not installed on CSE computers)
Write a program that extracts from the file API_EN.ATM.CO2E.KT_DS2_en_csv_v2.csv, stored in the subdirectory API_EN of the working directory, the country CO2 emissions for the year 2011. Some data in this file are for entities different to countries, or for countries which are not values of the COUNTRIES dictionary of the module. The program will produce an output of the form
Leaving out Aruba
Leaving out Arab World
Leaving out American Samoa
Leaving out Antigua and Barbuda
Leaving out Bahamas, The ...
Leaving out Latin America & Caribbean (all income levels)
Leaving out Least developed countries: UN classification
Leaving out Low income
Leaving out Lower middle income
Leaving out Low & middle income ...
Leaving out Virgin Islands (U.S.)
Leaving out Vanuatu
Leaving out West Bank and Gaza
Leaving out World Leaving out Samoa
to let the user know of all those entities and countries, which will be ignored. Some countries are described differently in the dictionary and in the file; these countries will not be ignored. The data will be shown interactively on a map, created as an object of class World of the module, that can be displayed in a browser by opening a file named CO2_emissions.svg—check out render_to_file(). To create the World object from a dictionary having as keys the keys of COUNTRIES, check out add(). The map should have—check out the Style class from the module:
• as title for the map, CO2 emissions in 2011;
• one group of data with Known data as legend and with #B22222 as colour, another group of data with No data as legend and with #A9A9A9 as colour, both with a font size of 10pt;
• tooltips providing standard display for the first group, but with the amount of CO2 emissions replaced by ? for the second group, both with a font size of 8pt.
Here is the map with the cursor hovering over Australia, for which the CO2 emissions are known.

Here is the map with the cursor hovering over Puerto Rico, for which the CO2 emissions are not known.

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