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COMP9020-Assignment 3 Functions and Relations Solved

1.   (Functions)
 Let    Consider the functions  given by

Compute the following function values:

2.   (Properties of functions)

Which of the three functions ,  and  in Exercise 1 is onto? Which are 1-1?

COMP9020 20T1 - Week 3 Problem Set
COMP9020 20T1
Week 3 Problem Set Foundations of ComputerScience Functions and Relations
3.   (Matrix functions)

Prove each of the following statements.

a.   (AT)T = A for any matrix A.

b.  If two matrices A and B are of the same size, then (A + B)T = AT + BT.

c.   A(B + C) = AB + AC for any matrix A of size m × n and matrices B, C of size n × p.

4.   (Boolean functions)

a.   Give all elements of BOOL(2), that is, all functions  over two Boolean variables.

b.  Show that there are  elements in BOOL(n) for

5.   (Properties of binary relations)

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b. For each of the following statements, give a valid proof if it is true for all relations  and  over arbitrary sets . If the statement is not always true,

provide a counterexample.

                                                          If        and          are symmetric, then                  is symmetric.

                                                          If        and          are antisymmetric, then       is antisymmetric.

6. Challenge Exercise

                                   Consider a set         and the binary relation                                 defined by .

                                   Prove that        is transitive if and only if

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