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COMP9020-Assignment 2 Proofs and Boolean Algebra Solved

1.  (Entailment)

a.  Prove that  follows logically from

b.  Which of the following formulae are logically entailed by          ?

2.  (Logical reasoning)

a.  See pages 21–23 of the lecture slides week 2 and answer the two questions.

b.  The country of Mew is inhabited by two types of people: liars always lie and "truars" always tell the truth. At a cocktail party the newly appointed Australian ambassador to Mew talked to three inhabitants. Peter remarked that Joan and Shane were liars. Shane denied he was a liar, but Joan said that Shane was indeed a liar. Now the ambassador wondered how many of the three were liars.

Use propositional logic formulae to help the ambassador.

3.  (Mathematical proofs)

a.  Prove that  for all integers .

Hint: Give a proof by cases.

b.  Prove that  for every odd integer  (that is, for every  such that ).

4.  (Boolean algebra)

Consider a boolean algebra over a set . For each of the following, either prove that the equation is true for all  or give a counterexample.

1 of 2     4/03/2020, 4:58 pm COMP9020 20T1 - Week 2 Problem Set

6. Challenge Exercise

Digital circuits are often built only from nand-gates with two inputs and one output. The function nand:

 is defined by  or, equivalently, . Show that any Boolean

function can be encoded with only nand-gates.

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