1. Introduction
This coursework is a group project. Your task is to build two question classifiers using (i) bag-of-words and (ii) BiLSTM, which will have been covered in Weeks 3 and 4 of COMP61332, respectively.
Input: a question (e.g., "How many points make up a perfect fivepin bowling score ?")
Output: one of N predefined classes (e.g., NUM:count, which is the class label for questions that require counting, i.e., counting questions)
Intended Learning Outcomes
● to develop deep learning-based sentence classifiers using word embeddings and BiLSTM
● to evaluate and analyse your sentence classifiers according to different settings, such as different word embeddings, and different parameters to fine-tune the models
● to discuss your methods and results in the form of academic writing
● to act as a responsible member of a team, communicate with team mates, and contribute to the team's self-organisation, planning and conflict resolution for the duration of the group work
2. Instructions
Your implementation has to be in python3 , using PyTorch (https://pytorch.org /) . If you are not familiar with PyTorch, check out some tutorials first (e.g., thi s article and its Pytorch tutorials 1, 2, and 3 at the bottom of the page, or this pytorch tutoria l) .
2.1 Data
In this coursework, we will make use of the dataset from
https://cogcomp.seas.upenn.edu/Data/QA/QC/ (Training set 5, which contains 5500 labelled questions). Because there is no development set, you have to randomly split the training set into 10 portions. 9 portions are for training, and the other is for development, which will be used for early stopping or hyperparameter tuning. The test set will be the TREC 10 questions available from the same site.
2.2 Word embeddings
You are required to implement two kinds of word embeddings.
(1) Randomly initialised word embeddings. For example, to build a vocabulary, you can select those words appearing at least k times in the training set.
(2) Pre-trained word embeddings such as word2vec (see this relevant vide o) or GloVe.
Please note that your implementation should have an option to freeze or to fine-tune the pre-trained word embeddings during training. (Although those options are applicable to randomly initialised word embeddings as well, you are not required to do so.)
For preprocessing, you can ignore stop-words (e.g., "up", "a"), or lowercase all words (e.g., "How" becomes "how"). Do not forget to handle words that are not in the vocabulary!
2.3 Sentence representations
2.3.1 Bag-of-words (BOW)
A bag-of-words is a set of words (we can ignore word frequency here). For instance, the bag-of-words of the question above is bow("How many points…") =
{"How", "many", "points", "make", "up", "a", "perfect", "fivepin",
"bowling", "score"}
We can define a vector representing a bag-of-words as:
vecbow vec(w)
where s is a sentence/question and vec bow(s) is the vector representation for s . vec(w) is the vector representation for word w .
For example:
vec("How many points…") =
1/10 * (vec("How") + vec("many") + … + vec("score"))
2.3.2 BiLSTM
Please check thi s tutorial for using LSTM. You just need to do an extra step to replace LSTM by BiLSTM. Let's denote the vector representation for a sentence s produced by BiLSTM as: vecbilstm(s) = BiLSTM(s)
where BiLSTM(s) is the vector returned by your implementation of BiLSTM.
2.4 Classifier
Given vecbow(s) or vecbilstm(s) above, you will use a feed-forward neural network with a softmax output layer for classification. This feed-forward neural network for classification task is presented in thi s video in Week 3.
2.5 Classifier (plus)
You can build more sophisticated classifiers, by
● combining vecbow(s) and vecbilstm(s) into one vector vec(s), and/or ● combining several classifiers (i.e., ensemble).
2.6 Interface
Your main source code should be in a file named question_classifier.py
We should be able to run your code to train a model by issuing the following command:
% python3 question_classifier.py --train --config [configuration_file_path]
We should also be able to run your code to test a model by issuing the following command:
% python3 question_classifier.py --test --config [configuration_file_path]
The program will load a configuration file storing all needed information in different sections, such as:
# Paths To Datasets And Evaluation path_train : ../data/train.txt path_dev : ../data/dev.txt path_test : ../data/test.txt
# Options for model model : bow # bow, bilstm, bow_ensemble, bilstm_ensemble...
path_model : ../data/model.bow
# Early Stopping early_stopping : 50
# Model Settings epoch : 10 lowercase : false
# Using pre-trained Embeddings path_pre_emb : ../data/glove.txt
# Network Structure word_embedding_dim : 200 batch_size : 20
# Hyperparameters lr_param : 0.0001
- If your code supports more than two required models (as mentioned in Section 2.5), such as an ensemble of 5 BiLSTM models, your configuration file may include the ‘Ensemble model’ section as in the above example. In that case, the five BiLSTM models will be stored in
../data/model.bilstm_ensemble.0 ../data/model.bilstm_ensemble.1 ...
- Output (e.g., ../data/output.txt ) is a file in which each line is a class for each testing question and the performance (i.e., accuracy).
- You may need to store some more information on the model (e.g., vocabulary). Do not hesitate to make use of the configuration file to specify paths to any information you might wish to store.
A short paper reporting results
This should be in the form of a research paper (2-3 pages excluding references), such as https://2021.aclweb.org/downloads/acl-ijcnlp2021-templates.zip. We highly recommend you to use latex with Overleaf, where you and your team can easily collaborate in writing
https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/instructions-for-acl-ijcnlp-2021-proceedings/mhxffkjdwymb. The report should contain at least the following points:
● Introduction
○ What is the problem?
○ Why is it important to be able to classify questions?
○ Why is this task difficult or interesting?
● Describe your approaches, e.g.
○ How did you turn sentences into vectors?
○ What are your models?
● Describe your experiments, e.g.
○ Experiment set-up,
■ What is the data split that you used?
■ Describe your preprocessing steps (e.g. removing stopwords, lowercasing words.)
■ Specify the performance metrics that you used. You don’t need to explain them in detail since those details will be covered in Week 5.
○ Results: There are 8 possible combinations of the results. In the paper, you should report at least 6 sets: 2 models x 3 word embedding settings including random inititialisation without fine-tuning, pretrained embeddings with and without fine-tuning.
○ Ablation study, e.g.
■ What happens if you freeze/fine-tune the pre-trained word embeddings?
■ What happens if you use randomly initialized word embeddings instead of pre-trained word embeddings?
○ Some in-depth analyses, e.g.
■ What happens if you use only part of the training set?
■ Which classes are more difficult to classify?
■ Confusion matrix?
■ What is the effect of using other preprocessing steps?
Implementation of Question Classifiers
Source code organisation
The code does not have three subfolders as required, no documentation, no readme file about how to run the code.
The code only has one of the following things: (1) subfolders, (2) documentation, (3) readme file with requirements.txt (if any)
The code is well structured and documented as required
The code cannot run by using the required command line
The code can run by using the required command line
The code allows us to input different options via configuration files
Model implementation
No model is implemented
Only BOW model is implemented and run without errors
Two models (BOW and BiLSTM) are implemented and run without errors
Training BOW model
After 10 epochs, the accuracy is less than 40%
After 10 epochs, the accuracy is from 40%-50%
After 10 epochs, the accuracy is more than 50%
Training BiLSTM model
After 10 epochs, the accuracy is less than 40%
After 10 epochs, the accuracy is from 40%-50%
After 10 epochs, the accuracy is more than 50%
Word embedding options
The yielded training losses and accuracies are not different with different options
The yielded training losses and accuracies are different with different options
Freeze/fine-tune pre-trained embeddings
The yielded training losses and accuracies are not different with different options
The yielded training losses and accuracies are different with different options
Extra model(s) is implemented and run properly
Short Paper
Academic writing
The short paper looks like a technical report/user manual than a research paper
The short paper was written for an academic audience. However there are some points that were not clearly presented, or it seemed like the discussion lacks originality/argumentation.
The short paper was written for an academic audience and can potentially be published in a research workshop or symposium. Ideas were presented in a clear and well-argued manner.
Background and introduction
The paper does not provide an introduction to the task of question classification (e.g., why it is interesting) and does not clearly present the research questions that the project seeks to answer.
The paper provides an introduction to the proposed topic and presents the analytical questions that the project seeks to answer.
The paper does not provide sufficient details on the group's methodology.
The paper provides details on the group's methodology, including how to turn sentences into vectors and description about the BOW and BiLSTM models. However some parts need further elaboration.
The paper provides sufficient and clear details on the group's methodology, including how to turn sentences into vectors and description about the BOW and BiLSTM models.
The paper does not provide any details about experiments, including experimental data, preprocessing steps, and the evaluation metrics.
The paper provides details about experiments, including experimental data, preprocessing steps, and the evaluation metrics. However, some parts need further elaboration.
The paper provides sufficient and clear details about experiments, including experimental data, preprocessing steps, and the evaluation metrics.
Analysis and interpretation
Quantitative results were obtained by the implemented classifiers but were not analysed and interpreted in order to answer the research questions set out in the background and introduction section.
Quantitative results obtained by the implemented classifiers were analysed in order to answer the research questions set out in the background and introduction section, but in some parts the interpretation seems exaggerated (or are not aligned with the results).
Quantitative results obtained by the implemented classifiers were adequately interpreted, allowing the group to answer the research questions they set out in the background and introduction section.
Exemplification/v isualisation
The group did not provide any examples nor make use of visualisation to evidence their analysis and interpretation of quantitative results.
The group provided examples and made use of visualisation, however some of these do not support or are not aligned with their findings/interpretation.
The group explained their findings and interpretation by providing supporting examples or making use of suitable visualisation.
Your deliverables will be assessed based on the marking scheme above, which will lead to one overall mark (out of 100). Everyone in your group will get the same mark: one of the Learning Outcomes of this coursework is focussed on acting as a responsible team member (see Intended Learning Outcomes in Section 1), hence it is everyone's duty to ensure that tasks are delegated fairly, that there are equal contributions, and that integration goes smoothly.
In the exceptional case where one or more group members have not put in an acceptable contribution, despite the team’s effort to bring them back into the team and suitable discussions of the issues arising, we implement a grievance procedure. A group can bring forward a "case of grievance" to the COMP61332 teaching staff by providing the following pieces of evidence:
● minutes of team meetings
● a written description of the events that led to the break-down of the team work, including a description of the actions that were taken to get the team back on track.
The case should be brought forward to the teaching staff no later than one working week after the coursework deadline. The COMP61332 teaching staff will then decide whether the situation is indeed exceptional and warrants a mark re-distribution.
5. Suggestions
5.1 Embeddings
For randomly initialised word embeddings, use the class
For using pre-trained word embeddings, use the function
5.1.1 Handling unknown words
To handle unknown words, you can use #UNK# tokens. The embedding of #UNK# can be initialised randomly by drawing from N(0, 1).
5.1.2 Pruning pre-trained embeddings
Instead of loading the whole pre-trained word embeddings, you can remove the embeddings of those words that do not appear in the dataset. You can download glove.small.zip from the course page on Blackboard. The word embeddings file also includes an embedding for #UNK# .
5.1.3 Fix random seeds
To make sure the three options of word embeddings are properly implemented, we should fix random seeds by adding the following lines to the beginning of question_classifiation.py
import torch, random torch.manual_seed(1) random.seed(1)
5.3 BiLSTM using Pytorch
As aforementioned, please check thi s tutorial for using LSTM in Pytorch first. For BiLSTM, you just need to set the bidirectional parameter of LSTM to true, as explained her e. For example, a tagger using BiLSTM can be coded as follows:
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
class BiLSTMTagger(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, embedding_dim, hidden_dim, vocab_size, tagset_size):
super(LSTMTagger, self).__init__()
self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
self.word_embeddings = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, embedding_dim)
# The BiLSTM takes word embeddings as inputs, and outputs hidden states
# with dimensionality hidden_dim.
self.lstm = nn.LSTM(embedding_dim, hidden_dim, bidirectional=True)
# The linear layer that maps from hidden state space to tag space
self.hidden2tag = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, tagset_size)
5.4 Evaluation metrics
For this classification task, you can use both accuracy and F1 scores. Please check this python library for more information: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/model_evaluation.htm l. As aforementioned, you don’t need to explain them in detail in your report; those details will be covered in Week 5 anyway.
5.5 Reading configuration files
There are several ways to store configuration files. One way is to store configuration information in the same structure as Windows INI files and use configparse r, a python library to read the file. For example, given this config.ini file:
path_train = ../data/train.txt
path_dev = ../data/dev.txt
path_test = ../data/test.txt
We can parse it as follows:
import configparser
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
print( config.keys())
path_train = config["PATH"]["path_train"]
path_dev = config["PATH"]["path_dev"]
path_test = config["PATH"]["path_test"]
Another option is to use pyyaml: https://pyyaml.org/wiki/PyYAMLDocumentatio n
5.6 Parsing command line arguments
To parse command line arguments, we can use argpars e, a standard Python library. Following is an example of parsing arguments so that you can run your code as described in Section 2.6:
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--config', type=str, required=True, help='Configuration
parser.add_argument('--train', action='store_true', help='Training mode - model is
parser.add_argument('--test', action='store_true', help='Testing mode - needs a
model to load')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.train:
#call train function
elif args.test:
#call test function