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COMP5710 Workshop 6- Resilient Continuous Integration with Codacity Solution

Develop a simple continuous integration (CI) pipeline to automatically scan code.
Targeted Courses
Software Quality Assurance
Pre-lab Content Dissemination
Pioneered by Martin Fowler, CI is the practice of automatically integrating code changes. A few key principles of CI are: - maintain a single source repository - automate the build - every commit should build mainline on an integration machine - keep the build fast - make it easy for anyone to get the latest executable - everyone can see what's happening
As part of this workshop we will see how we can use an existing CI tool called GitHub Actions and Codacy to not only integrate code changes with CI but also check for quality concerns with static analysis.
In-class Hands-on Experience
This portion of the workshop will be recorded and later uploaded to CANVAS
Go to announcements on CANVAS. See the announcement on Workshop 6
Create an account on GitHub if you haven't already
Fork the repository
After forking, clone the repository
Add Codacy with GitHub Actions using the instructions here
Create a minor change in any file
Commit and push the file on your forked repository. Keep track of the commit message
See the changes in the Actions tab within your repository
Find the build by the commit message you used while commiting See the changes
Assignment 6 (Post Lab Experience)
Repeat all the steps from the in-class exercise for the repository This will include forking, cloning, adding codacy with GitHub Actions, making changes ina file, commiting and pushing, and finding the build in the Actions tab of your repository

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