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COMP5710 Workshop 4 Workshop Name: Event-driven Static Analysis with GitHooks D Solution

Use an existing tool and Git Hooks to activate a static analysis tool for a popular repository
Targeted Courses
Software Quality Assurance
Pre-lab Content Dissemination
One negative perception about software quality assurance (SQA) is that it prohibits rapid deployment of software. That is why practitioners advocate SQA activities to be integrated into the software development and deployment process. To that end, in modern software engineering, practitioners prefer automated pipelines for security analysis. Instead of asking practitioners to look for security problems themselves, tools should do that for them.
In that spirit, we as a class will build a mini tool that automatically runs static security analysis for NumCPP, a popular library developed in C++ that contains a lot of data structure-related implementations. For this workshop you will use cppcheck and git hooks. You will build a Git Hook that will help in identifying known security weaknesses automatically for practitioners who develop and use NumCPP.
In-class Hands-on Experience
Go to announcements on CANVAS. See the announcement on Workshop 4
Create a GitHub account if you haven't yet
Install CPPCheck on your computer
Fork the NumCPP repository with your GitHub account
Clone the forked repository on your computer
Go to .git/hooks/ in the cloned repository
Run cp pre-commit.sample pre-commit
Open pre-commit
Edit pre-commit to run cppcheck -h
Familiarize yourself with cppcheck using any or all of the following links:
Modify any .c or .cpp file
Commit the modified file to see the effects of the modified pre-commit hook
Assignment 4 (Post Lab Experience)
Modify your pre-commit file so that it can scan your NumCPP repository whenever you commit any file (60%) Grab your output by capturing the screenshots
Modify any CPP file in the NumCPP repository

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