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COMP5710 Homework 4 Solution

Problem 1:
For the following program, list the program slice by ONLY USING LINE NUMBERS for “average” in statement 26.

1. int exam() {
2. A = 0;
3. B = 0;
4. C = 0;
5. Fail = 0;
6. Count = 0;
7. TotalMarks = 0;
8. while (!eof()) {
9. scanf("%d", Mark);
10. if (Mark >= 90) {
11. A = A + 1;
12. } else if (Mark >= 80) {
13. B = B + 1;
14. } else if (Mark >= 60) {
15. C = C + 1;
16. }
17. if (Mark < 60){
18. Fail = Fail + 1;}
19. Count = Count + 1;
20. TotalMarks = TotalMarks + Mark;
21. }
22. printf("Out of %d, %d passed and %d failed ", Count, A + B + C, Fail);
23. printf("%d students got A", A);
24. printf("%d students got B", B);
25. printf("%d students got C", C);
26. average = TotalMarks / Count;
27. printf("The average was %d ", average);
28. PassRate = (Count - Fail) / Count * 100;
29. printf("This is a pass rate of %d ", PassRate);
30. return 0;
31. }
Problem 2:
For the following program, list the program slice by ONLY USING LINE NUMBERS for “countEven” in statement 21.

1 #include<iostream.h>
2 void main(){
3 int countEven=0; 4 int countOdd=0;
5 int countZero=0;
6 int arr[10], i;
7 for(i=0; i<10; i++){
8 cin>>arr[i];
9 }
10 for(i=0; i<10; i++){
11 if(arr[i]%2==1){
12 countOdd++;
13 }
14 if(arr[i]==0){
15 countZero++;
16 }
17 if(arr[i]%2==0){
18 countEven++;
19 }
20 }
21 cout<<"Even Numbers = "<<countEven<<" ";
22 cout<<"Odd Numbers = "<<countOdd<<" ";
23 cout<<"Zero = "<<countZero<<" ";
24 }

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