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COMP551- MiniProject 4 Solved

Reproducibility (i.e., the ability for researchers to replicate others’ work) is a critical issue in machine learning, and there is a growing movement towards ensuring reproducible machine learning. In this mini-project, you will aim to reproduce the results of a published machine learning paper. There are two different tracks: the first track aims to reproduce and extend on results from papers that did not publish code, and the second track aims to use published code to reproduce and extend on an existing work. You must either:

1.    Choose a paper from the following curated list:

2.    Already be registered to participate in the NeurIPS Reproducibility Challenge—in which case you willreproduce the paper you registered for.

3.    Receive special permission from the instructor to reproduce a different paper. If you choose a paperyourself, it should be published in well-known peer-reviewed machine learning venue (e.g., ICML, AAAI, NeurIPS, ACL, CVPR, or ICLR) and have been published no earlier than 2015.

You must form a team and choose a paper by November 27th at 11:59pm. One member of your team must fill in the following form by that date:

Disclaimer 1: Not all papers are easily reproducibile. Failing to reproduce the exact results of the original paper is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as your experiments are rigorous!

Disclaimer 2: Fully reproducing some papers or baselines will require more computational resources than you have access to. You should keep this in mind when you choose a paper, but it is also okay to only work on a subset of the data/tasks in a paper, in order to make things tractable.

Track 1: Implement and improve the baselines
When researchers propose new models, they often spend more time on fine-tuning their proposed model than fine-tuning the baselines. Simple baselines like Naive Bayes, Random Forests, k-NN if properly tuned, can sometimes provide performances that are hard to beat. In this track, your goal will be to select a paper (e.g., from the list of suggested papers) and improve/analyze the baselines for the tasks considered in the paper. First implement (a subset of) the baseline(s) mentioned in the paper (without using the author’s code) and try to reproduce the baseline performance reported in the paper. Then try to fine-tune the baselines by doing extensive hyper-parameter tuning. Then, explore simple machine learning algorithms (e.g., discussed in the class) to improve the performance on the given task. Note that for some recent papers a simple/standard LSTM or CNN would count as a baseline. Your job is to act like an adversary to the paper and try to beat their performance by using simple algorithms that have less computational complexity. At a minimum, in this track you should reproduce at least one baseline proposed in the paper and implement one modified baseline of your own. An outstanding project in this track would perform a rigorous and extensive evaluation many simple baselines and/or propose a clever new baseline that achieves strong performance.

Track 2: Reproduce and modify the model
The goal of this track is to take a published machine learning model (e.g., from the given list of papers) that comes with published code and try to explore the proposed model in depth. Specifically, you will first reproduce the results reported in the paper by running the code provided by the authors. Then you will try to modify the model and perform ablation studies to understand the model’s robustness and evaluate the importance of the various model components. (In this context, the term “ablation” is used to describe the process of removing different model components to see how it impacts performance.) You can also try to improve the model based on your experiments. You should do a thorough analysis of the model through an extensive set of experiments. Note that some experiments will be difficult to replicate due to computational resources. It is fine to reproduce only a subset of the original paper’s results or to work on a smaller variant of the data—if necessary. At a minimum, in this track you should use the authors code to reproduce a non-trivial subset of their results and explore how the model performs after you make minor modifications (e.g., changes to hyperparameters). An outstanding project in this track would perform very a detailed ablation study and/or implement significant/meaningful extensions of the model.

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