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COMP3311- Assignment 3 Solved

This assignment aims to give practice in

manipulating a moderately large database (IMDB)
implementing SQL views to satisfy requests for information
implementing PLpgSQL functions to satisfy requests for information
implementing Python scripts to extract and display data
The goal is to build some useful data access operations on the Internet Movie Database (IMDB), which contains a wealth of information about movies, actors, etc. You need to write Python scripts, using the Psycopg2 database connectivity module, to extract and display information from this database.

The Internet Movie Database (IMDB) is a huge collection of information about all kinds of video media. It has data about most movies since the dawn of cinema, but also a vast amount of information about TV series, documentaries, short films, etc. Similarly, it holds information about the people who worked on and starred in these video artefacts. It also hold viewer ratings and crticis reviews for video artefacts as well as a host of other trivia (e.g. bloopers).

The full IMDB database is way too large to let you all build copies of it, so we have have created a cut-down version of the database that deals with well-rated movies from the last 60 years. You can find more details on the database schema in

the data only goes to mid 2019, so you won't find recent blockbusters.


Complete the script called "best" so that it prints a list of the top N highest-rating movies (default N = 10). The script takes a single command-line argument which specifies how many movies should appear in the list. Movies should be ordered from highest to lowest rating, and should be displayed as, e.g.

Complete the script called "rels" so that it prints a list of the different releases (different regions, different languages) for a movie. The script takes a single command-line argument which gives a part of a movie name (could be the entire name). If there are no movies matching the supplied partial-name, then you should print a message to this effect and quit the program

Complete the script called "minfo" so that it prints a list of cast and crew for a movie. The script takes a command-line argument which gives a part of a movie name (could be the entire name). It also takes an optional command-line argument, which is a year and can be used to distinguish movies with the same title (or, at least, titles which match the partial movie name).

Complete the script called "bio" so that it prints a filmography for a given person (Name), showing their roles in each of the movies they are associated with. The script takes a command-line argument which gives a part of a person's name (could be the entire name). It also takes an optional command-line argument, which is a year (their birth year) and which can be used to distinguish people with similar names.

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