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COMP3000-Assignment 1 Solved

Write a program to read and store a thesaurus as follows.


Data for the program consists of lines of input.  Each line contains a (variable) number of distinct words, all of which are synonyms.  You may assume that words consist of letters only and are separated by one or more blanks. The data structure must be organized such that, given any word, all synonyms for that word can be quickly found.  A word can appear on more than one line. If a word appears on more than one line then all words on those lines are to be considered synonyms.


After the complete thesaurus has been built, print an alphabetical listing of the words and their synonyms.


Print another alphabetical listing but, this time, each word is printed once only.  That is, if a word is already printed as a synonym of another word then it does not appear in the listing again.


Sample input


blossom flower

bewilder confound confuse perplex

dwell live reside


Sample output


Words                Synonyms


bewilder             confound confuse perplex

blossom              flower

confound             bewilder confuse perplex

confuse              bewilder confound perplex

dwell                live reside

flower               blossom

live                 dwell reside

perplex              bewilder confound confuse

reside               dwell live



Words                Synonyms


bewilder             confound confuse perplex

blossom              flower

dwell                live reside



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