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COMP2540-Assignment 2 Program To Evaluate Arithmetic Expressions Represented as Text Solved

For this assignment, you will write a computer program to evaluate arithmetic expressions represented as text (a space-delimited infix expression). For example, the

string​ ​"1​ ​+​ ​2​ ​+ ​ (3​ ​ *​​  4)​ "​  would​ ​ evaluate ​ ​ to​  ​ 15​     .​ ​ Your​ ​  program​              ​ should:​                                      

1.     Read​ ​ arithmetic​            ​ expressions​    ​ in​ ​ infix​              ​ ​format​ from​​ ​input​ ​text​ ​file​ (​ ​ ​10​ ​points)

2.     Validate ​ the​     ​ infix​     ​ expression​      ​ (10​      ​ points)​            

3.     Using Stack as ADT convert the infix expression into a postfix expression. ​(30 points)

4.     Using​ ​Stack​ ​as​ ​ADT ​ evaluate​               ​  the​       ​ postfix​               ​ expression​      ​  ​from      ​  step​    ​ 3​ ​ (30​ ​ points)​            

5.     Display the data in the stack before and after each pop and push operation ​(20 points) 


You must handle the unary negation operator. You may use built-in functions in C or Java to handle the power operator (e.g., 2^3 =8) The usual order of operations is in effect:

●       Parentheses​ ​have​ ​higher​ ​precedence ​ ​evaluated​ ​left-to-right 

●       The ^ operator has higher precedence than unary negation operator, and other

            binary​ ​operators ​ (​ *, ​ /,​ ​ ​ +​ , ​ ​ ​and             ​ -)​

●       The unary negation operator - has higher precedence than the binary operators, and​ ​is ​ ​evaluated ​ right-to-left​ ​ (​ right-associative)

●       The ​ *​ ​ and​         ​ /​ ​ have​              ​ higher​               ​ ​  ​precedence   ​  ​than    ​ +​ ​ and​ ​ ​

●       All ​ binary​           ​ operators​         ​ are​       ​​evaluated        ​  left-to-right​      ​ (​ left-associative)


Your program must read n number of a space-delimited infix expression from an input text​ ​file​ ​and​ evaluate​ ​ ​them,​ ​where​ each​ ​​line​ ​represents​ an​​ ​infix ​​expression. 



(​ ​25​ ​+​ ​30​ ​)​ ​*​ ​2​ ​^​ ​(​ ​2​ ​+​ ​1​ ​)

30​ ​/​ 2​ ​ +​ ​ 5​ ​ *​ ​ 2​

                             -3​ ​^​ ​2 ​ +​ ​ 10​     

(​ ​6​ ​+​ ​(​ ​-​ ​3​ ​)​ ​-​ ​1)







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