In this project, you will maintain the information of different courses using AVL trees. Your program will read the courses and their relevant information from a file named courses.txt. As well, the user should be able also to enter new courses into the program with their relevant information. Please use the following format for inputs
Course:CreditHours#CourseCode#Department/topic1, topic2, …, topicN where N is the number of topics covered in the course and it is ≥ 1.
Example of input courses:
Course:CreditHours#CourseCode/topic1, topic2, …, topicN
Data structures:4#COMP2421#Computer
Science/recursion, time analysis, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, bst, avl, splay, b_trees, hash, heaps, sorting, graphs
Introduction to programming:3#COMP133#Computer Science/algorithms, introduction to c, functions, selection, loops, pointers, arrays, structs
Introduction to French:3#FREN111#French Language/letters, numbers, greetings, grammars, statements
To keep track of the courses, you should store them in an AVL tree data structure. The key that will be used by the AVL tree is the course code.
The following operations should exist in your application:
1. Read the file courses.txt file and create the tree.
2. Insert a new course from the user with all its associated data.
3. Find a course and support updating of its information.
4. List courses in lexicographic order with their associated information (credit hours, IDs, and topics).
5. List all topics associated with a given course.
6. List all courses in lexicographic order that belong to the same department.
7. Delete a course.
8. Delete all courses that start with a specific letter.
9. Delete all courses belong to a given department.
10. Save all words in file offered_courses.txt