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COMP2421-Project 1 Solved

In this project, you will implement a system, that is based on Linked List, to assign passengers to various busses to help them commute based on their scheduled times.

Each student (i.e., passenger) has the following information: traveler ID (the student ID), travelling date, travelling time, from, and to (destination). Following is an example of the input file called (passengers.txt):


1190112#18042022#11:00#Beit Rima#Birzeit 



Another file containing the registered bus lines (busses.txt) contains: a bus number, date, departure time, from, to, price of ticket, and capacity. Example of the input file:


2#18042022#11:45# Beit Rima#Birzeit#6#1 

13#19042022#14:30# Birzeit#Atara#6#20 



Your application should do the following:

1. Read the drivers file and load it into an array, then read the second file (passengers) which should be added to the busses in a linked list (array of linked lists). Before assigning passengers to busses you should make sure that:

a.      Each passenger is added to a bus based on the date and departure time. Meaning, each passenger should match the bus based on his/her travelling time and the departure time of the bus

b.     The length of each linked list should be decided based on the capacity of the available bus

c.      If a student has no matching travelling date/time, there should be another linked list for those


Your application should be able to show the following information through a proper menu of the application:

1.     Load the bus information file

2.     Load the passenger information file

3.     Assign passengers and print assignment information of all busses

4.     Print a specific bus information along with its passengers information (names and IDs)

5.     Print unmatched passengers

6.     Add new passenger

7.     Delete passenger

8.     Delete bus number

9.     Exit

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