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COMP2300-Lab-11 Solved

The basic idea of today’s lab is this: instead of just using the default stack (i.e. leaving the stack pointer sp pointing where it did at startup) you’ll set up and use multiple different stacks. As you’ll see, a stack is all you need to preserve the context for a process—an independent sequence of execution—and switching between processes is as simple as changing the stack pointer sp to point to a different process’s stack. The interrupt hardware (i.e. the NVIC which you’ve been using in labs for the last couple of weeks) even does a bunch of this work for you.

Plug in your discoboard, fork & clone the lab 11 template and let’s get started.

Exercise 1: anatomy of an interrupt handler stack frame
In the first exercise it’s time to have a close look at how the current execution context is preserved on the stack when an interrupt is triggered.

Using a simple delay loop and the the usual helper functions in led.S, modify your program so that after main it enters an infinite redblink loop which blinks the red LED on and off at a frequency of about 1Hz. The exact numbers aren’t important in this exercise, so pick some timing values which seem about right to you.

When the redblink loop is running, pause the execution using the debugger and have a look at the various register values—lr, pc, sp r0-r3—you should be starting to get a feel for the numbers you’ll see in each one. These values make up the execution context—the “world” that the CPU sees when your program (i.e. your redblink loop) is running.

Then, enable and configure the SysTick timer to trigger an interrupt every millisecond. There’s a big comment (starting at main.S line 12 in the template repo) giving you some hints—you just need to write the bits to the correct memory addresses. When figuring out the value for the reload value register (SYST_RVR) remember that your board runs at 4MHz on startup.

Once that’s working, you should be able to set and trigger a breakpoint in the “do-nothing” SysTick_Handler at the bottom of main.s1. When this breakpoint is triggered, use the memory view to poke around on the stack—remember that sp points to the “top” of the stack, and the rest of the stack is at higher memory addresses than sp (which will appear below the sp memory cell on the screen in the Memory Browser because the addresses are ordered from lower addresses at the top to higher addresses at the bottom). Can you see any values which look similar to the values you saw when you were looking around the execution context earlier?

Here’s what’s happening: when the SysTick interrupt is triggered, as well as switching the currently-executing instruction to the SysTick_Handler function, the NVIC also saves the context state onto the stack2, so that the stack before & after the interrupt looks something like this (obviously the actual values in memory will be different, but it’s the position of each value on the stack that’s the important part):


Don’t be fooled by the register names (e.g. lr or xpsr) alongside the values in the stack. While the interrupt handler (in this case SysTick_Handler, but it’s the same for all interrupts) is running, that context isn’t in the registers, it’s “frozen” on the stack. When the handler returns (with bx lr, as usual) this context is popped off the stack and back into the registers and the CPU picks up where it left off before.

Discuss with your imaginary neighbour—how does the program know to do all this context save/restore stuff when it returns from the interrupt handler? Why doesn’t it just jump back to where it came from like a normal function?

You might have noticed a slightly weird value in the link register lr: 0xFFFFFFF9. You might have thought “that doesn’t look like any return value I’ve seen before—they usually look like 0x8000cce or 0x80002a0”. Well, the trick is that the value 0xFFFFFFF93 isn’t an regular location/label in the code part of your program, it’s a special exception return value. When the CPU sees this value in the target register in a bx instruction then it does the whole “pop the values off the stack (including the new pc) and execute from there” thing.

Commit & push your “empty SysTick handler” program to GitLab. That’s all you need to do for Exercise 1, it’s just laying the groundwork for what’s to come.

Exercise 2: a handcrafted context switch
Using a carefully-prepared stack, is it possible to call your redblink loop function without calling it directly using a bl instruction?

The answer is yes, and that’s what you’re going to do in Exercise 2. Disable (or just don’t enable) your SysTick interrupt—you won’t be needing it in this exercise.

Again, the key takeaway from Exercise 1 is that the context (the “world” of the current process’s execution) can be “frozen” on the stack, and then at any time you can “unfreeze” the process and send it on its way by popping those values off the stack and back into the registers.

In the last exercise, the frozen context was placed on the stack automatically by the NVIC before the interrupt handler function was called, but in this exercise you’re going to hand-craft your own context stack by writing the appropriate values into memory near the stack pointer.

To do this, you’ll need a chunk of discoboard memory which isn’t being used for anything else. There are several ways you could do this, but this time let’s just pick a high-ish address (say, 0x20008000) in the RAM section of the discoboard’s address space.

You can get away with this since your program is the only thing running on the discoboard, so if the other parts of your program leave that memory alone then you’ll be ok. On a multi-tasking OS, though, you have to share the memory space with other programs (some of which you didn’t write and you don’t know how they work) and so this assumption may not hold. There are a few ways to deal with this problem—can you think of how you might do it?

Once you’ve picked an address for your new stack pointer, you need to create the stack frame. This can be anywhere in memory—there’s nothing special about “stack memory”, it’s just a bunch of addresses that you read from & write to with ldr and str (and friends). The memory address described above (0x20008000) could be any old place where there’s a bit of RAM which you’re not using for some other purpose.

To create stack frame, write a create_process function which:

loads the new stack pointer address (above) into sp
decrements the stack pointer by 32 bytes (8 registers, 4 bytes per register) to make “room” for the things you need to put on the stack
writes the correct values on the stack (see the picture above) to represent a running redblink loop

the status register (you can use the default value of 0x01000000) goes at an offset of 28 from your new stack pointer
the program counter pc should point to the next instruction (which might be a label) to execute when the process is restored
the link register lr should point to the instruction for the process to return to when it’s “done” (this doesn’t matter so much for the moment, because your redblink loop is infinite—it never bx lrs anywhere)
put whatever values you need into the slots for r12 and then r3-r0—these are just the register values (arguments, basically) for your redblink process (think: do you need anything particular in here, or does it not matter for how your redblink loop runs?)
Once you’ve created the stack for your new process, write a switch_context function to actually make the switch. This function takes one argument (the new stack pointer) and does the opposite of step 3 above, loading the “context” variables from the stack and putting them back into registers:

restore (i.e. put back) the flags into the xpsr register (since this is a special register you can’t just ldr into it, you have to load into a normal register like r0 first and then use the “move to special register” instruction4 msr apsr_nzcvq, r0)
restore the rest of the registers except for pc
make sure the stack pointer sp points to the “new” top of the stack (i.e. after the redblink context has been popped off)
finally, set the redblink process running by restoring the pc. Make sure that you have declared redblink as a function, e.g.

.type redblink, %function

Why can’t you restore pc with the rest of the registers in step 2?

Write a program which creates a redblink stack frame “by hand” in create_process and then switches to this new redblink context using switch_context. When it runs, your program should blink the red LED. Commit & push your program to GitLab.

You may have noticed that the interrupt handling procedure only preserves r0-r3, but not r4-r11. This won’t bite you if your processes don’t use r4-r11, but how could you modify your switch_context function to also preserve the state of those registers?

Exercise 3: writing a scheduler
What’s the minimum amount of data (of any type) that you need to store to keep track of a process?

To turn what you’ve written so far into a fully-fledged multitasking OS, all you need is a scheduler function which runs regularly (in the SysTick_Handler) and makes the context switch as appropriate.

In this exercise you’ll put these pieces together to create version 1 of yournameOS. yournameOS is pretty basic as far as OSes go, it only supports two concurrent processes (for v1, at least). One of them blinks a red light, and the other one blinks a green one (but with a different blink period—time between blinks).

The bookkeeping required for keeping track of these two pointers is just three words: two stack pointers, and a value for keeping track of which process is currently executing. You can the whole process table in the data section like this (note from the difference between the stack pointer values that the OS has a maximum stack size of about 4kB):

.word 0 @ index of currently-operating process
.word 0x20008000 @ stack pointer 1
.word 0x20007000 @ stack pointer 2

The only other tricky part is to combine the “automatic” context save/restore functionality of the interrupt handler (as you saw in Exercise 1) with the “manual” context save/restore behaviour of your switch_context function from Exercise 2. You probably don’t even need a separate switch_context function this time, you can just do it in the SysTick_Handler.

You can structure your program however you like, but here are a few bits of functionality you’ll need:

a create_process function which initialises the stack (like you did in the previous exercise) for each process you want to run
a SysTick_Handler (make sure you re-enable the SysTick interrupt) which will
read the first entry in the process table to find out which process is currently executing
pick the other process and swap that stack pointer into the sp register (but don’t change the pc yet!)
update the process_table so that it shows the new process as executing
trigger an interrupt return to get things moving again (make sure the handler function still exits with a bx to the special value 0xFFFFFFF9)
If you get stuck, remember to step through the program carefully to find out exactly what’s going wrong.

Write yournameOS version 1, including both a redblink and greenblink processes which execute concurrently, and push it up to GitLab.

Exercise 4: pimp your OS

Once you’ve got your multi-process yournameOS up and running, there are several things you can try to add some polish for version 2. This exercise provides a few ideas—some of these are fairly simple additions to what you’ve got already, while others are quite advanced. Ask your tutor for help, read the manuals, and try to stretch yourself!

modify the scheduler to also save & restore the other registers (r4-r11) on a context switch (as mentioned earlier) so that the processes are fully independent (currently, yournameOS v1 doesn’t preserve those registers, so if your processes are using them then the context switch will stuff things up)
add support for an arbitrary number of processes (not just two)
add the ability for processes to sleep—to manually signal to the OS that they’re ready to be switched out
add the ability for processes to finish—to call their return address (in lr) and exit
add process priorities, and a more complex scheduler which takes these priorities into account
add the ability to press the joystick and manually trigger a context switch, but be careful—what happens if another interrupts occurs while the scheduler function is executing?
advanced: use the synchronization instructions ldrex and strex to add a critical section so that each process can share a resource (e.g. a memory location) without stepping on each other’s toes (for reference, look at the Asynchronism lecture slides & recordings)
advanced: use thread privileges & the Memory Protection Unit (Section B3.5 in the ARM reference manual) to ensure that each process can only read & write to its own (independent) sub-region of the discoboard’s memory?
Pavel5: write a 3D graphics library and build an HDMI connector & driver using the GPIO pins, then port Quake to the discoboard
Whatever you made for your extension task, push it up to GitLab with a short note for future-you to remind yourself what you actually did. Don’t forget to also write a suitably self-congratulatory commit message. Well done, you!

In this week’s lab you learned how to

explore (and exploit) the way the NVIC preserves register values when an interrupt handler is executed
construct the stack for a new process, then (manually) switch the stack pointer and watch the discoboard execute that process
use multiple stacks to create your own multi-tasking operating system!
If you got to the end of the labs in this course, you should be really proud of yourself—I bet you didn’t think you’d be capable of writing an OS when you started the course in March. This lab material will remain online through the exam period (and beyond) in case you want to go back over and re-do things, perhaps doing some of the extension boxes you skipped over first time around, and perhaps even making up your own extension exercises to stretch yourself. If you come up with a cool idea for a new extension task, let me know on the COMP2300 forum and I can incorporate it into the course material.

If you didn’t get to the end of this lab material during the week 11 lab session, then don’t panic—you’ll have week 12 as well. You could use the week 12 lab session to finish off yournameOS, go over the content from previous labs to brush up on any concepts you’re still not 100% sure about, or explore a few “going further” suggestions for more advanced things you can do with your discoboard.

Make sure you logout to terminate your session, and pack up your board and USB cable carefully.

If you need a refresher on this stuff, lab 9 is probably a good place to go. ↩
Section B1.5.6: Exception entry behavior on p587 of the ARM reference manual ↩
The full set of exception return values recognised by the discoboard are shown in Table B1-9 on p596 of the ARM reference manual, but for the moment the one you’ll need is thread mode, main stack pointer which corresponds to the value 0xFFFFFFF9. ↩
The documentation for msr is in Section A7.7.82 on p323 of the ARMv7-M reference manual, also see Table B5-2 on page 729 for the bit mask. ↩
Pavel Zakopaylo took this course in 2017 and became something of a legend for his quick answers on the COMP2300 forum. The lab 11/12 super-hard-extension task is named after him. I wonder who from the class of 2020 it’ll be named after in the 2021 version of the course? ↩

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