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COMP2300-Lab-10 Solved

Before creating a file you need a text editor. There are plugins for many editors (e.g. Atom, Emacs, Sublime Text, Notepad++, Vim, and Visual Studio Code) or simply notepad.

Steps to create a file :

Open any text editor or notepad.
Create a new file from — →file →new file.
Save the file as or any suitable name with .md extension.
Your file is created.
Note : We will be using Visual Studio Code (VS Code) for demonstration here.
How to write an Md file with proper Syntax?
Ways to display a Normal, Bold, Italic, Strikethrough text.

Simple text :- Can be simply typed → Text
Italic text :- Can be typed between pair of Underscores → _text_
Bold text :- Can be typed between a pair of two Asterisk → **text**
Strikethrough :- Can be typed between a pair of two Tilde → ~~text~~
Heading can be typed in different sizes ranging from 1–6 by adding hash/pound. It can be typed in the following ways.

Max size 1 → #Heading 1
Size 2 → ##Heading 2
Size 3 → ###Heading 3
Size 4 → ####Heading 4
Size 5→ #####Heading 5
Min Size 6 → ######Heading 6
To add Quote simply use strict inequality GREATER THAN symbol.

Your Quote will be typed here
For COPYRIGHT sign follow this method.

To add a hyperlink in your .md file follow this rule.

Type the name of hyperlink inside square brackets i.e. [ ]
And type/paste the link or URL inside round brackets i.e. ( )

[YouTube] ( “Youtube”)
To add an image file in your .md file follow the following rules.

Type the image name inside square brackets after adding an Exclamation point/BANG → ! [ ].
And type/paste the image link or URL inside round brackets i.e. ( )

! [Earth] (
To add a code in .md file type the code in between a pair of BACKQUOTE (`code`).
To add a Block of multiple lines of codes in a .md file, type it between a pair of 3 BLOCKQUOTE (```code blocks```).
To create a table in a .md file follow the instructions using the image(Table for car model) as reference.
In the line-3 heading of the table is added separated by a pipe ( | )
In the line-4 size is provided for the content of table using dash (-), no of dashes represent the size of that particular column, any character/word typed cannot exceed the size provided using dashes.
In the line-5,6 contents of the table are added.
NOTE: Content of table (character/word/no.) should not exceed the size provided, if it is exceeding increase the size by adding more dashes.
To create a List(ordered/unordered) follow the codes are given shown below.
To make a task list in a .md file, add a dash(-) followed by square brackets [ ] further followed by task.
There are many ways to create a line inside a .md file some of them are shown below.

To make a simple line use 3 dashes or asterisk.

(- - -) or (***)
To display a literal character that would otherwise be used to format text in a Markdown document, add a backslash (\) in front of the character.

\* Without the backslash, this would be a bullet in an unordered list.

The rendered output looks like this:

* Without the backslash, this would be a bullet in an unordered list.
Markdown provides backslash escapes for the following characters:

\ backslash
` backtick
_ underscore
{} curly braces
[] square brackets
() parentheses
# hash/pound mark
+ plus sign
- dash (hyphen)
. dot
! exclamation mark

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