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COMP2300-Lab-1 Solved

Welcome to the COMP2300 labs! These labs are the heart of the course, and they’re your opportunity to practice the core concepts you’ll need for the assessments. They are also your chance to explore and ask questions. If you don’t understand all of what’s going on in this lab, that’s ok—for two reasons:

this is just the first lab (and it’s in week 1, not week 2 which is the case for some other courses), so we’ll cover all this stuff in detail in both lectures and future labs
there are no dumb questions in this course, so the lab sessions are the time to speak up
The labs for this course have a few different recurring parts, and they will be presented using different coloured boxes:

General notes & information will be highlighted in a blue box.

Sometimes you need to think about stuff before you go ahead. If you see something in a pink box (because your brain is pink—sortof), that’s your clue to pause and think—how do you expect the next part will work? Take a moment to think before you blaze away and start coding, because then you can check whether you really understand what’s going on or whether you’re just copy-pasting stuff without really understanding it. If you don’t understand it perfectly, that’s ok—ask your lab neighbour, or your lab’s Teams chat (or your tutor directly) to help you understand.

One of the great things about uni is that you don’t learn in isolation (no matter if you’re online, or on-campus we’re putting in the effort to make sure this is true!). These lab sessions, no matter how you take them, will give you plenty of chances to discuss things with other people in your lab group. If you see a green box, read it and talk about the prompt with someone in your group–if you’re in person you’ll need to remember to do this social distantly, and if you’re online your tutors will explain how to start a discussion in Teams.

In this course, as in most (all?) others, your fellow students are your best resource. Between you, you might not know the answer straight away, but together you might find that you can work it out. If you can’t, then of course you can ask your tutor—but your tutor might not be able to help you immediately. This also means that if you’re helping one of your fellow students understand something, put yourself in their shoes. It takes courage to ask a question, especially if you feel like everyone else in the lab knows what’s going on (although that certainly isn’t true). Be gentle and helpful in your answers, and remember that you can be honest about stuff that you don’t know—you’re all on this journey together.
All assignment & lab submissions in this course happen through GitLab. None of your lab work contributes to your final grade, however you are expected to push your lab work up to the server at various stages during your lab so that the tutors can see your progress and give you feedback. When it’s time to push something, it’ll be clearly marked in an orange-coloured box. Don’t just read past this box to the next section, where the “answer” might be discussed—make sure you attempt to complete the exercise yourself.

Computer organisation and program execution (hey, that’s the name of this course!) are huge topics, and mastering them takes a lifetime. So the material in these lab sessions will only cover the fundamentals. However, sometimes there are interesting extension exercises you might try if you want to go deeper, and these will be in a purple box. If you don’t know how to approach the problems in the purple boxes, that’s ok too—you’ll do just fine in the course if you can do all the rest of the stuff in the labs. Still, it’s a chance to ask your lab mates and tutors and stretch yourself if you have time.

These coloured boxes will be used consistently through the lab material, so take a moment to familiarise yourself with what the different colours mean, or at least remember that you can come back here and check at any time.

Exercise 0: setting up the COMP2300 software environment
Setting things up deserves it’s own page. Go have a look, see you back here when you’re done :)

Exercise 1: getting your discoboard
If you’re online, we’ll let you know how you can get your own discoboard in the week 1 lectures. For now you’ll be using the “discoboard emulator”, which is a piece of software that works in the exact same (well, sort of) way as a physical board–how to use it is explained a bit later in the lab. If this is you, skip to exercise 3.

If you’re in-person, during this lab the tutors will come around and give you a discoboard and USB cable of your very own—this is yours to keep forever. How exciting! The only caveat is that if you unenroll from the course before the census date (March 31) you have to give it back.

When you get your board, the tutor will also take note of the serial number (down the bottom on the “back” side of the board).


Handing all the boards out might take a bit of time, though, so thanks for your patience. While you’re waiting, push your chair away from the desk, turn, and say hello to the person next to you. Introduce yourself. Find out what degree they’re taking, and why they’re taking this course—is it a prerequisite or an elective? If you’re feeling extra-personable, ask what they like to do in their spare time. (If they’re already your friend, find someone else who you don’t know and talk to them instead.)

Exercise 2: connecting the board to the computer

The discoboard connects to the lab computer (or your personal laptop) via a mini-USB cable.

As far as electronics go, this board isn’t super fragile, but you’ll still need to be careful with it when you’re handling it and carting it around. That’s why you got it in a plastic container—keep it and your cable together in there. If you’re not used to handling electronics, here are a few tips:


handle it by the edges (as in the photo)
don’t touch any of the pins or little microchips on the board
keep the plastic case to carry the board around
be careful of static electricity—if you’re the sort of person who regularly shocks themselves, then you need to ground yourself before touching the board
the USB cable you received will only fit in one end of the board (even though there’s a different USB connector on the other end) so if it’s not going in, try the other end—don’t try to force it!
Once you’ve received your new discoboard, plug it in to the lab computer—the full-size USB end goes into the lab computer, and the mini end of the USB cable goes into the connector on the discoboard (up the “top” end, closer to the LCD screen).

Exercise 3: your first discoboard program
With your lab neighbour, open up the main VSCode documentation website. Discuss with them: what makes a good documentation website?

Now that you’ve connected your board to the computer it’s time to turn everything on and see if it works. This exercise is a bit longer, so it’s broken down into stages: clone, edit, build & run.

Fork & clone
In this course, you’ll be using git a lot, and you’ll have a lot of git repositories (repos for short). Don’t fear: you’ve done this before (in COMP1100, one of the pre-requisites for this course) and it’s the same process here. Since we’re at the start of the course, here’s a tip: it’s probably a good idea to make a comp2300 (or comp6300) directory somewhere on your computer where you can keep all of your stuff for this course.

Ok, now here goes:

fork the lab 1 template to your user account (i.e. uXXXXXXX)
clone it to your local machine
You can do the “git clone” step in the terminal, or your favourite git client, it doesn’t matter. If you like, you can use VSCode’s built-in git support: here’s a link to the general docs on this view, and here’s the specific instructions on how to clone a repo.

Remember, this is all stuff you learned in COMP1100. We’ll make sure we help you out if you’re a bit rusty, but make sure you can fork, clone and (at the end) push to GitLab—you won’t be able to submit the assessment items any other way.

After you’ve cloned, open the top-level folder in VSCode. If you used the integrated VSCode git clone command, this will happen automatically. If you cloned the repo some other way, you’ll need to open the folder yourself with File: Open... in the command palette. Once you’ve done that you should see something like this:


Again, the VSCode docs have a good explanation of the user interface.

Now, in the Explorer view, open the src/main.S file, you should see something like this:


Even if you’ve never seen any assembly language before, what do you think this program does?

Add some code so that main.S looks like this:

.syntax unified
.global main
.type main, %function

  mov r1, 0

  add r1, 1
  b loop

Save the file when you’re done. Don’t worry if you don’t understand all the details at this stage—the goal for this week’s lab is just to plug things in, turn them on, and make sure that everything’s working. If you have any problems, let your tutor know now.

You can build (or compile—they mean the same thing in this context) your program using the Build command (COMP2300: Build in the command palette). You’ll see some stuff printed to the terminal (near the bottom of your VSCodium window), and when it’s done it should look something like this:


The compilation process takes all the code (text files), translates them into binary instructions for the target Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)— ARMv7 in this case—and links them together into a binary file (image). You can learn more about it here if you want to read ahead, but you’ll also get familiar with it throughout this course.

If you’re a remote student without a discoboard, skip to the next step :) You’ll learn how to get programs onto the emulator there.

You’ve built the program on your laptop/desktop. To run it on your discoboard you need to upload it with the Upload (COMP2300: Upload) command. Again, afterward it should look something like this:

The first time you flash a Discoboard you might see a Error: init mode failed (unable to connect to target), this is solved by following the instructions in the “COMP2300: first time flash” command (link to troubleshooting here).


If you get errors at this point, then they’ll be printed (probably in red) in the terminal. Try and figure out what’s going wrong yourself, also checkout the troubleshoot section in software setup

Run & Debug
When you upload your program to the discoboard, it starts running it automatically.

To debug the program (stepping it through, inspecting the CPU & memory states), we’ll use VSCodium’s built-in debugger—an invaluable tool for making things work right when we’re writing programs for the discoboard. You may have used a debugger like this before, or you may not have—that’s ok! We’ll lead you through the basics in the labs over the next couple of weeks.

Open up the Debug view and make sure “build & debug” is selected (if you are a remote student wanting to use the emulator, select “build & debug (emulator)”).


Click the green play button to run your program, pausing (“breaking”) on entry.


The highlighted yellow line of assembly code (shown in the above screenshot) represents where the program is “up” to (next instruction to execute). When you first start it running, the IDE creates a breakpoint at the main: label in your program, so when your program reaches that line of code it stops and waits for further instructions (from you!).

At this point, you can step through the code one instruction at a time using the debug controls:


Discuss with your lab neighbour—what do all these debug control buttons do? Play around with them together—can you see what effect they’re having on the program executing on your discoboard? Are you pumped?

If you want your program to keep running (i.e. to “unpause” the program) just hit the green play button (although it’s called continue rather than play when you’re debugging, because it continues after you last paused the execution). Once it’s running, you can pause it again by hitting the pause button, and even stop it with the red stop button.

Once it’s stopped, you can restart the whole process again in a new debugging session by going back to the start of these instructions.

Sometimes the debuggers are a bit flaky, and get into some problems. You’ll get the hang of recognising when things have gone wrong & how to fix them. Remember that it’s ok to use the stop or restart buttons to try and get things back on track, or (worst-comes-to-worst) unplug and re-plug your discoboard.

You can also examine the values of your registers in the REGISTERS viewlet under the Debug View (see the bottom left corner in the below screenshot):


If you want to control exactly where the system pauses for debugging, you can set a new breakpoint by clicking in the left-hand “gutter” (or margin) of the code view in the IDE. You should see a little red dot appear:


The program isn’t running on the lab computer on the desktop (well, unless you’re using the emulator… if you are then ✨imagine✨!)—it’s running on your discoboard. What does that mean? What are the implications for the way you run & debug your program?

Make sure you understand what’s going on! Of course this is the goal of this course, and you will get to learn more as you go. But just a warning before you embark on this journey: make sure you don’t get tripped up at the final over some of these fundamental concepts, like many journey men before you did. Remember that your tutor is there for you to grill them with questions. ;)

Exercise 4: sign the pledge, submit your work
Today’s lab submission isn’t an assembly program, it’s a pledge of integrity. This is a short yaml document (what’s yaml?) stating that you understand and are committed to conducting yourself with integrity in this course.

Find the pledge-of-integrity.yml file in the top-level of your workspace folder. Read it, understand it, “sign” it by adding your uni ID & name in the appropriate places. If you need some help with the YAML syntax, have a look in the FAQ, especially at the common “gotchas”

Why is this necessary? Well, marking assignments & labs & providing good feedback is really time consuming. We (the course convenor & the tutors) are absolutely committed to doing it in this course, because we’re here to help you learn. However, it wastes your time & ours (and much worse) if we have to deal with academic misconduct issues. By “signing” & committing this pledge, you’re promising that you won’t engage in that conduct. So you won’t receive any marks or feedback in this course until you’ve done it.

If you haven’t submitted your pledge of integrity we can’t release your marks & feedback to you.

So if you haven’t got your green tick yet for the pledge of integrity CI job, then fix it up asap (talk to your tutor in your next lab if you need help).

As mentioned at the top of this lab content, in this course you will submit stuff (including work-in-progress versions) during your weekly lab session. This is a chance for you to keep track of your progress, and also (sometimes) for the tutors to give you feedback about how you’re going. This is all a good thing—if you’ve got questions you want to get help now, not after you’ve bombed on the mid-semester exam.

The submission process is also the same as the one you’ll use to submit your assignments in this course.

Commit your (updated) versions of main.S & pledge-of-integrity.yml to your repo and push them up to your fork on the GitLab server. Give it a helpful commit message like “finished lab 1 exercise 3” or something so that when you’re looking through the git log view later you know where you were up to.

In GitLab, there is a feature called Continuous Integration (CI). It’s basically a set of jobs (builds & tests) to run everytime you push something to your repo, to make sure that your commit doesn’t break the build or cause regression.

In COMP2300 we use CI to do some basic testing to help you make sure that your code builds fine, and you have satisfied some basic requirement for the lab/assignment.

You can see the CI pipelines and build jobs at the “CI / CD” sidebar in your GitLab repo. After clicking on it, you will see a page like this:


You can see the jobs run by clicking on the Stages dropdown button, and whether they are successful of not. You can click on the job to see the details and captured output, which will help to figure out what might have gone wrong.

In lab 1, apart from checking whether your code builds fine, it also checks whether your pledge-of-integrity.yml is acceptable. You need to make sure that everything is passed before you finish this lab.

CI will also be used to make some basic checks for the assignment. For more information on how we use CI for assignment, see FAQ.

Congratulations! In this lab you

plugged in your board (be it real or imaginary)
opened up the IDE
built, uploaded, ran & debugged a basic program on your board
pledged to be a person of integrity in this course
Next week, you’ll start thinking about what the assembly code you wrote does, and what it actually looks like in the memory of your discoboard.

Make sure you logout to terminate your session, and pack up your board and USB cable carefully.

There’s no specific extension content this week. Having said that, the board is now yours, so you can program it however you like—especially since you can install the IDE on your own laptop/desktop.

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