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COMP2140-Lab 6 Graphs Solved

To write code to compute the in-degree of every vertex and to print out the vertices visited in a depth-first traversal starting at Vertex 0, for an adjacency-list implementation of a directed graph.

In-Degrees and a Depth-First Traversal

Get a copy of (an adjacency-list implementation). Get a copy of the graph file graph.txt which lists the number of vertices (5) and edges between them. Write the body of the method printIndegrees, which prints out the in-degree of each vertex in the graph. Also, write the body of the method recursiveTraversal, which performs a recursive depth-first traversal of the graph starting at the vertex given by parameter currVertex, printing out a vertex when the traversal visits it.

The steps of a recursive depth-first traversal at currVertex:

Visit currVertex;
for each vertex i that is adjacent to currVertex (i.e., such that there is an edge from currVertex to i)
if vertex i has not yet been visited do a recursive depth-first traversal at i
The intent is to see which vertices can be reached if you start at vertex 0, and what order you would visit them in

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