To complete a program that compares two different hash table implementations of ADT Table.
The Nearly-Complete Program
File Lab05.java contains a nearly-complete application that uses two Table implementations: the first is a hash table using linear probing and the second is a hash table using separate chaining. It inserts all the items in input file Lab05Input.txt into both tables and then prints some statistics to allow a comparison. (Input file Lab05Input.txt is available on UM Learn with Lab05.java.)
In this application, an item consists of a String. The String is the key — there is no auxiliary data associated with the key in this application. The input file contains one item per line.
The file Lab05.java contains four classes:
1. The application class (named Lab05), which contains main() and the method it calls.
2. The TableWithLP class, which implements ADT Table with a hash table that uses linear probing for collision resolution.
3. The TableWithSC class, which implements ADT Table with a hash table that uses separate chaining for collision resolution. In this implementation, each table slot is a pointer to a Node which is a pointer to the first Node in a linked list of keys that hash to this position, — that is, each table slot is an unordered linked list with no dummy nodes.
4. The private Node class inside the TableWithSC class. This class implements an ordinary linked-list node with public instance members item and next.
You will complete two methods in the TableWithSC class.
Complete the program in the file Lab05.java by adding TWO method bodies (details below). Do not change any of the code that is already written in Lab05.java — just add the two required method bodies. You can write helper methods for these two methods, if needed.
The two methods you will write the bodies of:
insert: There are two inserts, the first one is already implemented. You will implement the second insert. This method is passed a key (a String). It is supposed to insert key into the hash table, using separate chaining to resolve any collisions.
If the key is already in the table, then the method should print an error message and not insert the key — duplicates are not allowed.
If the key is not in the table, then the method should insert the key and increment instance member numberItems, which contains the total number of items currently stored in the table.
search: This method is passed a key (a String). It does a proper hash table search for the key, returning true if it finds the key and false if it doesn’t.
Of course, it assumes that the hash table is using separate chaining to resolve collisions.