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COMP1410-Lab 2 Algorithm, Recursive Function Solved


-  Practice designing/implementing algorithms using recursion

-  Practice use of recursive functions



In this , you must code and document the following functions using RECURSION only. 


As with the last , test the functions by calling them from a simple interactive main() function using a menu, with different values. Overall, you should have one C program  containing one main() function and 5 other functions listed in the table below, where the functions are called based on the user input to the menu choices.  The program should contain a loop that permits users to enter a new choice of function for each loop, until exit from the loop is explicitly chosen.


Summation:   ∑𝑛𝑘=1𝑘=1+2+3+⋯+𝑛 ;  

n 1; reject with error message otherwise

[Note that this sum is equal to n(n+1)/2.  DO NOT program the function – program the series.]
Factorial(0) = 1;

Factorial(n) = n * (n-1) * . . . * 2 * 1

Requirement: n = 0; reject with error message otherwise
Fibonacci(0) = 0;

Fibonacci(1) = 1;

Fibonacci(n) = Fibonacci(n-1) + Fibonacci(n-2);

Requirement: n = 0; reject with error message otherwise
gcd (x, y) = x, if y=0

gcd (x, y) = gcd (y, x MOD y), if y 0

Requirement: x and y both 0; reject with error message otherwise
Power(a,b) = 𝑎𝑏

Requirement:  a 0, b 0, b is an integer; reject with error message otherwise

How to document functions?

/* Objective: Describe the function/its purpose briefly

Input: Describe the input parameters, or the assumptions/requirements for the function.

Output: Describe the output of the function. (What does it return? What does it print, if anything?) */

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