Choose one of your assignments from a previous learning module that you feel could be improved with the integration of an API (i.e. To Do List, Weird Deals Application)
Instructions :
1. After you’ve selected a previous project to work with, start to improve your project with the addition of a Browser API (for ideas, check out - https:// developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API). Please note, the DOM API does not count!
2. After successfully integrating a browser API, further improve your app by integrating a Third Party API ( for ideas and options, check out - https:// www.programmableweb.com/category/all/apis)
3. Create a short screencast reviewing your code, any challenges you faced and any successes/wins
4. Ensure that all your HTML, CSS, and JS is well-commented, formatted, and organized.
5. Publish your page on a web server (AWS, Github pages or your own web server)