COMP 1073
Module One Assignment - JavaScript & Coffee!
In Module One, we started to really get to know the basics of JavaScript - variables, variable scope, data types, arrays, functions, conditional statements, loops, and objects. We also focused on debugging our JavaScript and best practices to apply when crafting our code.
Your Task:
Using the knowledge you’ve gained in Module One, complete the following:
Instructions :
1. Create an object literal to represent a coffee order that a customer might place. Your coffee object should contain the following properties: customer name, type of drink (i.e. latte, coffee, expresso), size of coffee (short, tall, grande, venti) , drizzle (yes or no) ,whipped cream (yes or no) , sweetener (yes or no), cold foam (yes or no) and dairy (cream, 2% milk, almond milk).
2. In your object literal, include a method to display the coffee order information in an alert box. Drizzle, whipped cream, sweetener and cold foam should only be displayed if they are included in the customer order
(i.e. yes).
3. Ask a friend how they take their coffee. Create a second object literal to represent this coffee order.
4. Ensure your code is valid, efficient, follows best practices and is formatted correctly!
5. Publish your page on a web server (AWS, Github pages or your own web server).
6. Create a short code review screencast in which you review and explain your code. You can use YouTube, Flipgrid or any other platform you have access to in order to create this screencast.
• Have the users coffee order displayed in the browser window (not in an alert) without using document.write.
• Explore constructor functions and use constructor functions instead of object literals to complete this exercise.
Project Objectives:
- construct a variety of programming structures including variables, constants, arrays, objects, functions, conditionals, and constructors;
- test and debug scripts using validators, DOM inspectors, and error console tools
- optimize code for increased functionality, performance, readability, and reusability;
Project Assessment:
You will be assessed on the following:
Missing Something
Getting There
Great Work
(4 marks)
Developer used JS that is not valid, properly structured, formatted and commented.
Variables, object literals, arrays, functions, loops, and conditional structures that are not valid or appropriate to the functional requirements.
(0 - 0.5 marks)
Developer used
JS that is
valid, properly structured, formatted and commented.
Variables, object literals, arrays, functions, loops, and conditional structures are somewhat valid and appropriate to the functional requirements.
(1 - 1.5 marks)
Developer used JS that is mostly valid, properly structured, formatted and commented.
Variables, object literals, arrays, functions, loops, and conditional structures are mostly valid and appropriate to the functional requirements.
(2 - 3 marks )
Developer used valid, properly structured, formatted and commented JS.
The JavaScript includes properlybuilt variables, object literals, arrays, functions, loops, and conditional structures as appropriate to the functional requirements.
(4 - 5 marks )
Functionality (5 marks)
Functional requirements have not been met. (0 - 0.5 marks)
Some functional requirements are met.
(1 - 1.5 marks)
Most functional requirements are met.
(2 - 3 marks )
All functional requirements are successfully met.
(4 - 5 marks )
Code Review (1 mark)
Code review not included.
(0 marks )
Developer is somewhat able to explain and review code.
(0.5 marks)
Developer is mostly able to explain and review code with some detail.
(0.75 marks )
Developer is able to effectively and clearly explain and review code in detail.
(1 mark)
Section 02
Section 01Project Weight:
10% of final grade
Submission Details:
Please submit:
1.) code files in a zipped folder on Blackboard
2.) link to your published page (AWS, Github Pages etc.)
3.) a link to your published screencast (Flipgrid etc.)
Please ensure that any work you submit is your own unique work. Work submitted that is found to be not your own unique will be subjected to a grade of 0 and considered to be academic misconduct.