D3.js - Time-series data. Multiple Area Charts
you will need a time-series dataset that contains at least five variables linked in time. The idea is quite straightforward. If you select some time-range on one plot, the same time-range should be highlighted on another one, linked to it. To have a better understanding of what a linked view is, check out this example.
we recommend you to start with D3 Scales and D3 Axis. After that, you will need two more tools, D3 Brush and D3 Zoom. These tools will help you to link the plots and make them interactive.
To make your own interactive linked plot, for one, you can use a climate dataset. Pick any five countries of your choice and download the historical climate data from here. You can also find an example of such dataset here and reuse it. We pre-processed it for you. We do not restrict you concerning the choice of a dataset. You are free to use any other dataset with at least five linked time-series variables.
You may find these links useful: * D3 Brush * D3 Brush + Zoom