Task: Given at most 100 pa/ent names and their blood cell types (BCT), please provide the BCTs of the queried pa/ents.
Detailed SpecificaRons:
• Assume that each pa/ent has only one record in the given list.
• Read the given informa/on (i.e. pa/ent names and their BCTs) and load them to the memory,
i.e. using two different arrays. BCTs occupy at most 4 characters.
• Pa/ent names may be queried from the standard input using a mix of capital and small leIers. Assume a match if the names match case insensi/vely.
• Assume that each pa/ent name occupies at most 15 characters.
• Output pa/ent names will be printed using all small leIers.
• If the query item name is not in the given list, your program should print 0+ to the screen.
• The list of pa/ent names and their BCTs are separated from the query names with the word: start
• The query items are terminated with the word: end
Input format: [S] stands for a Space character
<paRent1_name>[S]< BCT1>
<paRent2_name>[S]< BCT2>
<paRentN_name>[S]< BCTN>
< paRentX_name> < paRentY_name>
< paRentZ_name>
Output Forma_:
< paRentX_name>[S]< BCTX>
< paRentY_name>[S]< BCTY>
< paRentZ_name>[S]0+ // ! does not exist!
1. You can include <string.h> file and use related string func/ons if you need them.
2. You can use [100][15] two dimensional character array to store the pa/ent names.
3. You can use [100][5] two dimensional char array to store BCTs.
4. When you load pa/ent names to the names character array, you should load the corresponding prices to the second (BCT) array with the same row index.
We provided you a sample I/O file pair. Test your programs with these files while developing your program. Moreover, create your own test files according to the specifica/ons to test more.
As usual, use input redirec+on mechanism of your opera/ng system to test your programs. For example, if your executable is called as Lab8, redirect the input.txt file to standard input using < operator and redirect your outputs to a file using > operator such as:
> ./Lab8<input.txt>output.txt
This kind of execu/on enables your programs to read inputs from a file without wri/ng any file related func/ons (e.g. fopen(), fscanf() etc.). In other words, the getchar() or scanf() func/ons in your code reads data from the redirected files instead of the std. input in this way (e.g. keyboard).