This assignment is to familiarize you with basic concepts of object oriented programming (OOP) which we will employ and exploit throughout this term.
• The first article is from: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/object-orientedprogramming-concepts-21bb035f7260/ It describes the tenet of OOP in a very simple language; though, very accurate. I think you will enjoy it, and we will talk about these basic concepts in the class.
• The 2nd article (https://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/data-types-in-cpp/) describes basic C++ data types. You are already familiar with these data types and it is a review for all. We will discuss some of these data types in the class, too.
The 3rd article is from Bjarne Stroustrup, the inventor of C++. He wrote an article (http://www.stroustrup.com/Myths-final.pdf) in 2014, tried to debunk couple of popular myths about C++. Please read the Introduction (section1), section 2, and section 3. It is an interesting read overall. If you know Java, you may want to read section 4 too.