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COE328 Lab 4 - VHDL for Combinational Circuits and Storage Elements Solution

Lab 4 - VHDL for Combinational Circuits and Storage Elements
1 Objectives
To construct combinational circuits and circuits with basic storage elements using VHDL
2 Pre-Lab Preparation
1. Start-up Quartus II. This window gives you access to an integrated suite of CAD tools
2. To save files for this lab, create subdirectories mux, decode, encod, and johns in your work directory.
3. Enter the name of the first project, mux, by clicking on File then Project on the pull down menu and then Name on the subsequent pull down menu. Type the Project Name, and click OK.
4. Open Text Editor and type the VHDL file from Figure 6.28 of the textbook. Save the file as mux.vhd.
5. Start the compiler. Fix any errors and re-compile. Once the file compiles without errors, go to the next step. Copy the file mux.vhd to a usb drive
6. Repeat steps 3-5 for the remaining examples. Use files from the following figures accordingly (see textbook):
i. decod – Figure 6.30 ii. encod – Figure 6.41
iii. johns – Figure 2 (In this Manual)
7. The last example shows one of the ways of implementing the Johnson counter. The last six digits of the student identification number must be represented by a four-bit vector variable STUDENT_ID which will be displayed cyclically in sequence with Johnson counter output. Qreg is an internal signal which can be fed back to the D's or fed out to Q.
8. Prepare a Truth Table for Johnson Counter for 6 clock cycles.
3 Laboratory Work
1. Create the subdirectory lab4 in your work directory, and copy the all the subdirectories created as part of pre-lab to this subdirectory.
2. Compile your designs and create symbols for respective projects (mux, decode, encod, and johns) and save them.
3. Create new subdirectories inside lab4 folder of your working directory with names muxModified and decodModified.
4. Start-up Quartus II. This window gives you access to an integrated suite of CAD tools
5. Enter the name of the project, muxModified, by clicking on File then Project on the pull down menu and then Name on the subsequent pull down menu. Type the Project Name at top, and click OK.
6. Create a block schematic file muxModified.bdf for the project defined in (12) and implement a 4:1 multiplexer using two 2:1 multiplexer (mux symbols) as shown in Figure 6.3 of the text book.
7. Repeat the steps 11-13 for the project decodModified and implement a 3:8 decoder using two 2:4 decoders (decode symbols) as outlined in Figure 6.17 of the text book.
8. The circuit design must handle non-valid states and non-valid student identifier cases by displaying an
“E” in the seven segment display on your simulated waveforms.
9. Consider the last 6 digits of the student identifier D = {d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6} in its general representation. Then, as an example, a student with identifier: 500435429 will follow the display sequence as 435429.

USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
PORT (Clrn, E, Clkn : IN STD_LOGIC; --clrn is your reset button
STUDENT_ID : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
Q : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 TO 2)); END johns;
ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF johns IS signal Qreg : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 TO 2);
PROCESS (Clrn, Clkn)
IF Clrn = '0' THEN
Qreg <= "000";
ELSIF (Clkn'EVENT AND Clkn = '0') THEN
IF E = '1' THEN
.. -- complete your johns flip-flop outputs here.. ..
Qreg(1) <= Qreg(0);
.. ..
Qreg <= Qreg;
-- STUDENT_ID variable represents the last 6 digits of your student ID hence d4 is the fourth digit of your
--student ID in four bits, d5 is the fifth and so on. For example, for
Student ID 500435429,
--d4 is 0100, d5 is 0011 and so on
WHEN "000" =>
STUDENT_ID <= ..... --d1
WHEN "100" =>
STUDENT_ID <= ..... --d2
. --d3
. --d4
. --d5
WHEN OTHERS => STUDENT_ID <= "----";--error END CASE;
Q <= Qreg;
END Behavior;
Figure 2: Code Template for Johnson Counter to sequence STUDENT ID

Figure 3: Typical Schematic produced using Quartus II

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