Week 11: Coding Assignment
● In Visual Studio Code, write the code that accomplishes the objectives listed below and ensures that the code compiles and runs as directed.
● Create a new repository on GitHub for this week’s assignments and push this document, with your project code, to the repository.
● Include the URLs for this week’s repository and video where instructed.
Using any of the tools you’ve worked with so far, create a game of Tic-Tac-Toe.
● Create a Tic-Tac-Toe game grid using your HTML element of choice.
● When a cell in the grid is clicked, an X or O should appear in that spot depending on whose turn it is.
● A heading should say whether it is X’s or O’s turn and change with each move made.
● A button should be available to clear the grid and restart the game.
● When a player has won, or the board is full and the game results in a draw, a Bootstrap alert or similar Bootstrap component should appear across the screen announcing the winner.
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