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cmsc389T- Project 5: Personal Website Solved

In this project, you will be creating a personal website that you will be hosting on TerpConnect. There are three sections for this project:

Hosting Website On Github Pages
Dockerizing Your WebApp
Deploying Website To TerpConnect
These three parts are more or less independent of one another and present three different ways to host your website.

Part 1
In this part you will be forking our template repository and editing the provided HTML locally on your own computer. You must complete the basic required edits in the index.html file (these are specified within this file as well):

Profile Picture
Relevant Info
GitHub Profile
To get full credit, also make at least one change to the website to personalize it. For example, you could

Add a header image
Change the style/colors
Add another social media link
Add another section
Feel free to add your own touch to the HTML and/or CSS files. Once you've committed your changes, push your repository to remote. Describe what custom change you made on your website repository's README underneath your GitHub Pages Site link.

Part 2
In this part you will be using Docker to dockerize your web app and run it in the background locally. To do this, you should edit the provided dockerfile and docker-compose.yml templates. The procedure detailed in the Docker Lecture should help you create a simple docker image for your website.

Important Notes

The backend is written in Node.js You should use the "node-10:alpine" image in your dockerfile. This image also comes preconfigured with a "node" user which you can use rather than creating a custom user
The package.json file includes a list of all dependencies. You will need to copy this and run npm install when building your image.
Before you run any commands in your dockerfile (CMD), make sure to EXPOSE 8080. This will expose the port and allow incoming and outgoing traffic flows from your docker container.
To run a node app, the bash syntax is node app.js
To test your docker configuration, you can run
docker build -t node-web-app .
docker run --name "website" -p 80:8080 -d node-web-app 
Go to localhost:80/

To test your docker-compose configuration, you can run
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate
Go to localhost:80/

To remove all containers, you can run
docker system prune -af

Part 3
In this part you will be deploying your website to TerpConnect using GitHub Actions. As shown in the Deployment Lecture, you need to create three workflows:

Clone Workflow to clone your repository in the correct location on TerpConnect on workflow_dispatch
Update Worfklow to pull changes to your repository on TerpConnect when changes are pushed to main
Delete Workflow to delete your repository from TerpConnect on workflow_dispatch
Your website should be avaialble at after clone and update automatically when you push to main. After delete, the website should no longer exist.

Just to clarify, TerpConnect can only serve static content. You should not be running your docker containers on TerpConnect.

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